Ch.6 Vance and Miriko

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You were in the underground hallway bouncing off pipes and the floor to propel foward faster as you could hear Mirkio yells of fighting as you got closer.

Y/n: Seems like shes having fun...Again.

You got to the end as you could see her being thrown directly into you.

You reacted quickly and caught her canceling the impact of the 3 nomus infront of you.

Y/n:We slacking now Rumi?

You smirked.

Miriko:Why the hell are you here?!

She looked at you, her face clearly saying that she wanted to do this alone.

Y/n:Because you need the help. Be as stubborn as you want but I will never leave you in danger.

You gave her a determined look.

She stopped for a second and got back up and charged at the nomus.

Rumi:Just dont slow me down Y/n!

She looked at you with a smile and a bloody head.

Y/n:*damn... she looks... nvm*

You thought as you charged right behind her and went after the other two

Y/n: Speed Charge 20%!

Your legs bulked up a bit and you rushed faster and got behind one hitting the back leg causing it to fall and kicked it into another one making them fall into eachother.

You charged again as they separated and tried getting a hit on you wit there sharp hands. You tried to keep dodgeing but you got hit in the stomach and flew back. Into some of the containers with the purple fluid.
As you crashed through several some bone were clearly breaking.

You finally stopped the impact and got back up and saw one charging at you again which to you was the advantage.

Y/n:*Dumbass... now that hes alone for a little bit... I can kill it*

You thought as you put your legs up and grabbed its neck and twisted around it and setting your self on its shoulders.

Y/n:Bulk CHARGE 70%

your arms bulked and got stronger as you twisted its head off...

It stopped moving as you calmed down and caught your breath.

Something was wrong.

What happend to the other one?

Why isnt the other nomu coming?

You run back to the orginal spot before you were thrown and turn to see Miriko with her arm twisted and completely broken


She took a head off one and started running as her other wounds om her side started bleeding more.

Y/n:Mirko! keep going! Ill finish these two!

Mirko:Dont be so full of your self! Come with me! Cant have you dying on me you lil rabbit!

You didnt hesitate as you kept running knowing what she meant since her ears reacted.

Reinforcements were coming.

You look behind the Nomus as you both ran to see The sheild hero: Crust and Aizawa and Mic as well as some other heros.

Miriko:Let those guys handle them! Your with me for now!

You kept going as you were getting closer but kept getting stopped by Nomus.

Forest Group

Momo:Are you guys okay? I can tell you guys are anxious.

Mineta:Well of course! I dont want to die!

Kirishima:Were not going to die! We going to make it and save everyone!

Mina:Yeah! But lets hope everyone else is safe.

Momo:Yeah but im worried for Y/n... Hes the only student going right for shigaraki what were the pros thinking?

Kirishima:I dont know why the put him there but it most be because hes manly and strong hes a sidekick of Mirko!

The others could only worry.

The Liberation Base has been attacked and is going well. And many were reaching there end and some were reaching new heights.


You and Mirko and the rest of the hereos regrouped and kept fighting as X less slipped through and was on the way to Shigaraki.

You were fighting off the Nomus as you heard a thud.


She hit the floor passing out due to the blood loss.

You punched the Nomu sending it flying and ran back to her.

Y/n:Shit! Nows not the time to be passing out you dumb bunny!

Everyone:*He just dissed Miriko while shes out cold... Damn*

You ripped off a cloth off your hero suit and wrapped around the injuries and cuts as you set her to the side getting ready for the fight. But then a rumbling was being heard from where Shigaraki was being held.

Your senses sharpened and danger was coming.


You toss Mirko out of desperation and they all knew what you were talking about as the floor was decaying. No the whole building was decaying in waves.

Everyone started running as some started flying and everyone tried to grab to Ryuku since she was in dragon form.

You turn to see Mic with torino flying away and Crust sacrificing himself for Aizawa.

But you were still behind everyone caught up with a airborne hero but the damage to your body slowed you down

You were going to die.

???:Go... Faster...

A womanly voice called in your head.
But whatever it was your mind was in a state of adrenaline again as the pain dissapeard to your head and you forgot about it and ran.

You caught up to the others still behind.

Aizawa:Y/n! Grab on!

He threw his scarf/Capture gear at you and you grabbed on.


He gave you a small smile

Everyone got out the hostpital as everyone was now in there out of the way of wave of decay.

You looked at the damage in horror.

The battle for the villians looked like it was turning around.

1 death and 1 Major Injury for the heroes.

What else could happen...

Shigaraki:Wake up... Machia...

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