Ch.5 Dinner And Phase 1

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"Look look Y/n!!! Mawata Senpai was on your lap!" Mina yelled as I just tried ignoring her.

"You lucky bastard!" Kaminari and Mineta said. Making weird faces at me.

It was the next day and tomorrow would be the start of what could be the end.

It was morning and I was already getting teased.

"Calm down guys we have a free day so lets prepare for the feast." Momo said.

The class wanted to have a feast before they put there selves on the battlefield which wasnt a bad idea.

I ate breakfast and decided to go get some food so I could cook for the class. The sweets would be left to Sato.

So I was about to leave until I was interuppted.

"Hey Y/n! Mind if we tag along?" Mina asked   as I turned to see most of the class.

Mineta,Mina,Hakegure,Midoriya, Iida and Uraraka and Todoroki.

"Oh theres a lot of you guys... Well sure why not." I said turning back walking to the gate. And on our way to the station.


We reached the market and I was a regular there and we decided to stroll around first.
"Hey Y/n you seem to be familiar with this place you go here a lot?" Midoriya asked me.

"Yes you seem to know what your doing." Iida added.

"Yeah I go here like twice a week." I replied.

"Ohh do you cook often?" Hakegure asked.

I nodded as I grabbed some vegetables.

"I always cook for myself or others like other 5 people you see me with since there always hungry." I said while sighing.

The others laughed.

"You must care for them a lot dont you?" Midoriya asked.

"Well of course I wouldnt be who I am without them. " I said checking off a list I made for ingredients.

"Ohh who knew you were such a sweet guy." Mina said.

I just shrugged.

"Oh yeah hows your realationship with Nejire going?" Midoriya asked me making me choke.

Everyone looked at me in shock.

"What... what." I asked .

"Well arent you guys dating?" He asked which made it even worse.

"(Jeez he doesnt even realise what hes saying.") I said to my self.

"What no were just friends you know? And im pretty sure my personality doesnt match with hers at all." I defended not thinking straight.

"What really? Im sorry then for jumping to conclusions but both of you like analyzing  heroes. You even have a notebook like me!" He revealed.

At this point my face was red and I came up to him and covered his mouth. He just doesnt know how to read a room somtimes.

"Ah ah Midoriya.... Buddy.... I think you should stop there." I said staring at him.

The others saw my stare and quickly got quiet.

I kept buying the ingredients and saw one of the workers Ive known for awhile.

"Ms.Sakura! Its been awhile how are your kids?" I said as I approached her.

She turned to me and looked up and smiled.

"Ahh its good to see you again! Same things as usual?" She asked me

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