Ddot-family problems

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"Y/N GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE." My mom yelled .


She didn't say anything, she just looked pissed.

"Fuck you ma word2" I said as I walked out.

Me and her had been getting into it the most, and it was getting bad.

All I could do was cry, cry my heart out because this shit was so unbelievable.

She pick him over me? It's crazy.

I texted ddot to come pick me up, I didn't have anywhere to go anyways.

I got a call from him.

"yes" I answered trying not to sound like I was crying.

I didn't get a response for a second until he said something.

"Why you crying y/n" he said.

"My mom, she making me fucking tight yo I swear to goddddd" I screamed as I cried out.

"Where you at"he said with a worried tone.
"im walkin"

"It's late at night y/n, go back inside"

"Na I don't wanna be there anymore, come get me please d" I said as I sat beside a building.

"I'm on my way y/n, please stop crying" he said calmly.

I just cried and sniffled and told him everything over the phone until he came.

I got in the car and I didn't look his way, I didn't want him to see my face atm.

"Y/n" he said.

I hummed in response.

"Lemme see your face" he said.

I didn't look his way.

He grabbed my chin and turned my face his way.

"Don't cry, you okay now." He said as he wiped my tears.

I nodded and looked the other way.

I knew he felt some type of way about me being in this mood, but it was so hard for me to get over the fact that my moms jus did that.

"You with me now okay, you good" he said as he drove .

I nodded.

"Speak to me with words y/n"

"Okay" I said lowly.

" you hungry?"

"Na I'm ok." I said.

"Well, we going to get food anyways" he said.


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