DDOT-mental health

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I covered my arm with the hoodie as I walked towards the door of dd and ddot.

"Hey ma" ddot said with a smile as he pulled his hands out his pockets to hug me.

"Hey pa" I said as I hugged him back.

"Wsp mh" dd said smoking a vape.

"Vapes are bad for you" I said walking with ddot on the left side of me and dd on the right.

I was basically in the middle.

dd laughed and looked down at me.

"So" he said.

"Yea mh that shit is bad for you." Ddot said.

"But can I hit it tho-" "hell no don't even think about it." Ddot interrupted me and smacking my hand down.


Dd laughed while answering his phone.

I pulled my phone out going on instagram and watching stories.

"So how you been feeling, these past few days." d said to me.

"Ok" I said still watching stories.

Ddot took my phone from my hands and put it in his pocket.

"What that mean"

"Why did you take my phone for." I said stopping mid walk.

"Cause you be so into ya phone y/n, and I asked you a question" he said stopping with me.

" and I answered it."

"So what does "okay" mean?" He said looking at me with a confused expression.

"I've been ok darrian, nothing special. okay" I said speeding up with where he was.

"Talk to me." He said.

"What do you think I'm doing" i said raising my voice.

"Tryna hide that something is wrong with you y/n, you talk to me about anything so tell me now." He said raising his voice.

"Yo can ya shut the heck up, geez. Yea that's darrian and y/n arguing. MOTHER." He said said trying to let us know he was on the phone his mom.

"Sorry" we both said at the same time.

"We can talk about this when we get in the house" ddot said looking at the cars drive by.

"Mcht, what do you mean." I said dragging the last word.

"Y/n please do not get me tight rn yo" he said calmly and looking ahead of him.

"Mcht igh yo."

"Hey y/n" melz said hugging me.

"Hey melzzzz" I said hugging her back

" where is your mom" I said to dd.

"Idk tbh" he said walking downstairs towards his room.

"She's somewhere with her friend right now" Melz said.

I nodded and walked towards the bathroom.

"Where yu going?" Ddot said to me.

"The bathroom" I said running up the stairs.

I closed the door behind me and pulled my sleeve up.

"Shit." I mumbled .

Blood was all over my arm and the inside of my hoodie

I wiped all of it off with tissue leaving the bloody marks behind.

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