dd-body shamed

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I slammed the door behind me as I walked out of my mom's apartment, I didn't have time for her bullshit.

my mom been gettin on my nerves lately about me gaining weight and it's been tearing me up.  So I stopped eating a lot.

"Yo y/n" I heard someone yell from behind me Making me look back.

I wiped my face as ddot came up to me.

"What's wrong with you?" He questioned.

"you around David." I asked rolling my eyes.

Surprisingly he walked to us .

His smile dropped once he seen I was crying.

"Mami, what's wrong?" He asked .

"dd you think I'm fat" I asked seriously.

he looked at me and laughed.

"David be frl" I said as tears started to drop.

"Why would you think your fat y/n, your body is perfect." He said motioning his hands at my body.

"My dukes said she think I'm gaining too much wait and I need to play basketball again" I said wiping my face.

"Stop crying ml you so beautiful, when I say it you know you are." He whispered in my ear making me smile.

"don't listen to her she's just jealous" he spoke as he put his arm around me.

He pecked my lips and started kissing me everywhere on my face making me laugh.

"You hungry?" He asked.

I was gonna say yea but I had to think about me losing weight.

"Y/n, stop listening to ya dukes shes a hater."he said trying to cheer me up.

I didn't notice I was smiling until he said something about.

"anyways, we fin go get some food ddot" dd spoke making ddot smile.

"His fat ass, he know he need to stop eating" dd whispered in my ear making me laugh.

I love him so much.

Any suggestions? I started reading more so don't mind the late chapters 😜.

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