Ddot-to many shots

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I laughed as Tay took three shots.

"That shit mad strong." She said.

I was drunk, overly drunk.

"I miss my man" I said out of the blue.

"Don't you got his number" tay said laughing.

"You right, I do got his number, thank you for reminding me" I said with a smile.

She laughed and took another shot.

"I'm finna go take a leak, I'll brb" she said walking away.

I nodded and texted ddot.

                   Tuesday 12:32am😂😂

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Tuesday 12:32am
Not funny😒.
Thursday, 2:49pm
what ru doin up.
Idk tbh.
Read at 2:51pm

DDOT'S POV:Y/n called me and I answered on the second ring

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Y/n called me and I answered on the second ring.

"Hi dippin dots" she said laughing.

"Y/n, are you drunk." I said putting my face in the camera.

She put her face in the camera and smiled.

"a little." She said as she giggled.

"Where you at." I sighed getting up.

"Whyy" she said lowly.

"Cause your not at home" I said.

"I'm at tay house." She said laying her head on the table.

"Y- y/n"

"Yes." She said lowly.

"I told you stop hanging around with that smoochie, she gone get you into some trouble and you gone be looking butt hurt." I said grabbing my moms keys.

"No, she's actually. Nice." She said slurring her words.

"I'm coming to get you bye."

I checked her location and she wasn't to far from where I was.

I pulled up to the house she was at and I called her.

Her friend answered.

"Where is y/n" I sighed.

"She's right here." She said turning the camera around.

She was sleeping on the floor.

"Come get her." She said as she hung up.

"Oh my fucking gosh."

I hopped out of the car and walked into the house seeing her on the floor.

"Y/n." I said tapping her.

"Here is her stuff." Her friend said giving me her phone purse and other shit.

"Take her stuff to the car." I said as I picked her up.

She looked at me and smile.

"My Mann." She said hugging me tightly.

"Hey love, Cmon let's go" I said as I picked her up. Bridal style.

I carried her to the car and tay walked back towards us.

"Why you let her get this drunk, you know how she is with this shit" I said lowly.

"Look, I can't force her to do shit, and I told her to stop plenty's of times." She said puttin her hands up in defense.

I just shook my head and put her in the passenger seat.

I walked back to my side and I got in the car.

She was up, but still drunk.

"You takin me home? orrr we going back to your house." She said drunkenly.

"Mines." I said lowly.

I hated having conversations with her and she's drunk, it just doesn't make sense.

"good, because i wasn't planning on going to that bitch house anyways." She said preferring to her moms.

I nodded not trying to say nothing back until she said something.

"We should go to the beach" she said

"what?" I said chuckling.

"The beach." She said in a duh tone.

"Y/n you need rest" I said laughing lowly.

"Noo, because Ian sleepy" she said moaning her words.

I just laughed and shook my head, this girl is crazy.

"We can go tomorrow night ma, we gotta talk about some things anyways."

Should that be a chapter?

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