DD-those days

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I was laying down and my phone rung.

Wya                                      Home, why u ok?Fin come over

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                                     Home, why u ok?
Fin come over.

          *you hearted the message*

I heard a knock at my door causin me to get up

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I heard a knock at my door causin me to get up.

I opened the door, and it was dd, he looked like he'd been crying, and hadn't went to sleep in forever.

"What's wrong?" I said pulling him in the house.

He pulled me into a hug making me hug him back.

"Im having one of those days." He said in my ear.

I knew what he meant immediately.

I hugged him for a minute before walking back to my room with him behind me.

"How was your day ma" he said trying to cheer the mood up.

"It was okay, chilled tbh." I said as I watched him walk over towards my bed .

"You hungry?" I said lowly.

He shook his head and rapped his arms around my waist.

"Stop crying baby." I said as I wiped his tears.

He nodded as his eyes were closing.

He was so, handsome.

I played a movie as I just watched him sleep peacefully.

I played with his hair, twirling stings of it on my finger.

Light snores came from dd as he held me tight.

I want all his problems to come to me, I want him to be happy everyday.

I eventually got tired and my eyes were getting heavy, but I wanted to stay up for some reason.

"Y/n" I heard from dd.


"Gts, I know you tired." He said still half way sleep.

I nodded and laid towards him causing him to lay on my chest.

My eyes got heavy and I fell asleep.


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