ddot-promise ring

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(Im giving the girl a name for this chapter.)

today me and sky was on our nine month anniversary, so you know I'm going all out.

I gotta call from her but I couldn't answer so dd answered.

"Yurrr" he yelled making people in the mall look at us.

"Where's Darrian." She said cheesing.

"he's in the bathroom, he told me to wait out here." dd lied makin me laugh.

"Oh okay, I'll call him later" she smiled and hung up.

How perfect her smile was made me smile.

"Yo she called you eighty times today you sure you want me to keep answering the phone?" Dd said shaking his head.

"Bro I can't even answer the phone look at me" I complained.

"Bro you gotta put some of them bags in the car and come back in." He shook his head

"Na I think we done" I sighed.

"What about her ring?" He reminded me.

"Oh shit your right." I sighed.

"You need a cig? Here" dd said putting it in my face.

"The fuck? Hell na Ian that stressed, where you even get that shit from them fucking cancer sticks" I waved him off and he laughed.

"You won't believe it but Roscoe gave it to me" he said making me shocked.

"Ya asses so dumb" I laughed shaking my head.

We walked in pandora seeing hella girls, which made them look at us.

They all started laughing and giggling making me and dd laugh.

"so what you getting for Melly?" I asked him and he mugged me.

"that's my nick name for her the fuck." He mumbled as we walked up to the front desk.

"Hi, how may I help you" the lady smiled at us showing her dimples.

Me and dd looked at the rings on the bottom of the desk.

"This one look decent" I pointed at it .

"Yea ima get that one." dd said pointing at another one.

she got the rings and told us our price.

"thank you." Me and dd said in sync.

We walked away and we talked about how skylar might react.

"ddot" somebody said making me and dd turn around.

Omg, why am I keep running into my ex's.

"oh, wsp." I said walking about with dd.

"You gone walk away from me?" She said touching me.

"Bitch don't touch my brother" dd said smacking her hand away from me and I laughed walking faster.

"Yea she fin go crazy for this ring." Dd said recording.

I knocked on the door and dd lowered the camera a little.

"who it isss." We heard her voice, I can feel her smile.

"You know" I said laughing.

She swung the door open smiling.

"ahhh shittt." She said laughing looking at the flowers and the pandora bag.

I laughed as she grabbed the items and hugging me .

"Come inn" she smiled waving us in.

Her dimples have me in a chokehold. shit.

We walked in and seen hella balloons and flowers everywhere.

"oh shit" me and dd said at the same time.

She laughed as she closed the door.

She walked towards the couch sitting on it and sat next to her as dd sat on the other couch, still recording.

"bro why is you recording" I whispered and he laughed.

she opened the little box and a smile grew so big on her face.

She started screaming and running and punching me and shit.

alr now she ain't never that happy.

"FUCK LETS GOO." She screamed punching dd in his arm.

he put the phone down and make a yikes face, she crazy asf.

"I'm sorry my adhd kicked in." She said switching to regular tone.

"Thank you my bearrr." She said hugging me tightly.

I looked at dd as I hugged her and he looked nervous asf.

"You welcome mama" I laughed nervously.

"I gotta take a picture with it on" she said slipping it on her finger.


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Liked by ddosama and 12,000 others.
Skyla.r this a forever thing🫧❤️.

ddosama: omg finally.

ddotsWifey223's OMGGG!!
Sugarhillddot 🫶🏽love you ma.
🔁 skyla.r love you more sexy🫦.

loloaa_ wowwww💔.

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Yea this is a forever thing.



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