Ddot-unhappy fathers day

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Today was fathers day, which was kinda weird for me because my pops in jail, well was.

He's coming to see me today, even tho I want nothing to do with him.

He went to jail once I was around ten, because of domestic violence.

I got up to go get the door for ddot once I heard the knock at the door.

"Who's at the door?" My mom said walking out of her room.

"It's dar-"


It was my pops, guess it got here before him.

I did not want Darrian to come when my dad came, because he doesn't like him to much.

"Hey sugarplum" my dad said walking in the house.

I looked at my mom, and she looked at me. In shock.

"Hey.. pops" I said lowly

"I thought I told you to come at five?" My mom said as she walked by me.

"I know, I had plans at that time, I just thought I should come at this time" he said as he walking more.

"Oh, well we can make plans tomorrow." My mom.

We heard someone coming up the apartment stairs and we looked.

"Fuck"I mumbled.

It was Darrian.

He looked at us then looked at my dad.

He walked in the house while looking at my dad.

"Wsp.." ddot said to me and my mom.

I nodded and we walked to my room.

I closed the door and ddot instantly said something.

"Who's that." He said with a dgaf face.

"My pops" I said and his eyebrows shot up .

"Didn't he- okay be cool d." I said cutting him off.

"We gotta go back out there wtf?" Ddot said opening the door.


We walked out the room and I was telling ddot to go back in the room but he didn't listen.

"Wsp lil man, who you." My dad said looking at me then my mom

"He- I'm ddot, who you" he said interrupting me pointing at him and ddot looked at my mom.

"This is, y/n's boyfriend." My mom said introducing him.

"Oh wow" my dad said laughing.

"I know right, seven months. So, who are you again?" Ddot said.

I can tell the vibe was getting to weird.

"I'm y/n's pops, nice ta meet you" he said pulling his hand out to dab up ddot but ddot didn't pay no mine to that.

I walked up to my mom and they were talking about something, quietly, for nobody other then them to hear.

ddot laughed and shook his head.

My mom laughed nervously too.

"So, who wants, food.." I said nervously.

"I'm not even hungry" ddot said as he turned around.

My dad agreed.

"Okay you guys can go back to your room, I'll have a talk with king. My mom said preferring to my pops.

Ddot nodded and he grabbed my hand as we walked back to my room.

"Don't close the door" I said lowly.

"Why you wanna be nosy all in their business." He said mugging Me.

"Because you know how he is."

Current time- 6:17pm


Y/n's dad stayed over all day, that made me stay longer, just in case he did some dumb shit.

Y/n told me about him, and why they moved these ways in the first place.

We had dinner and everything, and he was catching up on some stuff about y/n, but the vibes was off, and I didn't like him at all.

"okay, I'm gonna get going mh." I said to y/n while standing up from the table.

"alright, bye amor." She said as she kissed my cheek.

"See you dukes, safety." I said to her moms.

She waved me a goodbye.

"I'll be checking up on you two later on" I said to them.

They nodded as y/n walked me to the front door.

Y/n's pov:
I was relieved that ddot was leaving, the intention between him and my dad was awkward asf.

I hugged ddot and kissed his cheek once again.

"Call me if anything happens" he whispered in my ear.

I nodded and he walked out.

More chapters with dad?

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