chapter 1

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Cassidy's OOTD ⬇️

Cassidys Pov : Once again I'm being forced by my parents to go spend time with Harry and the boys

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Cassidys Pov : Once again I'm being forced by my parents to go spend time with Harry and the boys. They're on a two week break from tour then they have to go back on tour which I will have to be joining them on. I heard my mom telling Harry on the phone that they've been having some "behavior problems" from me. Which is totally not true. I mean, everyone my age drinks, sneaks out, and smokes a little weed, right? Anyways, I'm currently packing up my suitcases and bags to meet Harry and the boys at the airport. Then we're flying to California to stay in one of their many houses, ugh they're so stuck up.  I know you're thinking I get to stay in a big mansion with the most famous boy band, so what am I complaining about? Well, If you must know I get spanked. I'm literally 14 and still get spanked by my brother and the other boys. It's so stupid, I'm way too old and they treat me like a baby. Ugh, now I hear my mom calling my name from downstairs. I take a quick look in the mirror at my outfit smirking knowing I'm only wearing this to piss Harry off, he hates when I wear short shorts. )

Cassidy's mom - Cassidy! Come on we have to meet the boys there in 40 minutes!

Cassidy - I'm coming! God!

( I drag my suitcase and rest of the bags down the stairs letting them fall on the floor, my dad picks them up and carries them to the car while I stand there with my arms crossed. )

Mom - Cassidy lose the attitude, It'll only be for a little while.

Cassidy - Oh yeah Mom, 14 months is only a little while right?

( I say following her into the kitchen )

Mom - Your father and I have important business to attend to.

Cassidy - Whatever.

( I grab an apple from the fruit bowl and take a bite out of it )

Mom - Let's go.

( I roll my eyes and put the apple down on the counter )

Mom - Throw this away!

Cassidy - Nope.

( I walk to the car while making sure I have my headphones and phone, obviously the most important things in my life. I get in the passenger back seat and my dad gets in the drivers seat while my mom gets in the front passenger seat. I lay my head against the window thinking about all the bullshit rules I'm gonna have to go through for the next 14 months, 20 minutes later we arrive at the airport. I refuse to carry any of my bags or suitcases because I'm being forced to go live with these dumb asses so I shouldn't be made to carry my own bags. It's a long ass walk to where we're going, after 15 minutes of walking I see 5 idiots standing in front of me smiling. I roll my eyes and go to the bathroom while my mom and dad catch up with them. I'm so annoyed. Yeah I know he's my brother but he's so annoying and strict. I hate having to follow his rules and knowing he's in control of me. I stand up and fix myself in the mirror before walking out and going up to them )

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