chapter 6

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( So it's now fall, and I've only gotten 4 spankings for the past three months. Aren't you guys proud of me?! Well, I am. BTW, my parents asked me to come back to live with them and I said hell no. Yes i might get in a lot more trouble here but the boys wouldn't just up and drop me off with someone else. OMG! I almost forgot to tell you that my birthday is next week!! Hopefully Harry plans me a good party. Anyways, Lily has left and went back to where she lives and Vinnie has been coming in and out of the house at late night hours but I haven't confronted him because like I said before, we're not together but it DEFINITELY bothers me. I'm thinking I'm gonna get a guy to come over and make him jealous so he knows how it feels. So it's Saturday night and we almost always eat dinner at home on Wednesday, so Harry is making me set the table even though we got a new live in maid to stay with us. Halloween is soon and I'm not sure what I'm gonna wear probably an angel costume because I'm clearly an angel 😇.

Harry - Cass, finish setting the table.

Cassidy - Why can't you do it?

( I say jokingly as I grab the napkins and plates. )

Harry - Don't push it.

( Harry calls everyone down and we're eating grilled chicken with a caesar salad and milk. Why do we always have to drink milk instead of soda? )

Louis - Good food Hazz.

Harry - Thanks Louis.

Vinnie - Harry is it alright If I go out tonight?

Harry - Sure mate.

( He doesn't have to ask, but he says he does it out of "respect" LOL fuck that. )

Cassidy - Where ya going?

Vinnie - Just to hang out with some of my friends, I won't be gone long.

( After dinner we clean up the table and dishes and I go outside to the back porch where Harry was scrolling on his phone. He always sits outside when It's cool outside, weirdo. The back porch is really cool, we put up LED lights with comfy chairs, a swinging bench, and a table. It's 7:00 PM now, not completely dark outside but getting there. I sit down next to him and give him my nicest fake voice. )

Cassidy - Harry, can I go out tonight?

( He puts his phone down on the table and looks at me. )

Harry - No.

Cassidy - Why?!

Harry - Because I said.

Cassidy - That's not a good reason.

Harry - Cassie don't argue with me right now.

Cassidy - I'm not trying to argue I just want to know why.

Harry - Because I'm the adult and you're the kid and you do what I say.

( Wow. What the fuck is his problem? We were just getting along and now he wants to talk to me like I'm a little kid? )

Cassidy - I'm almost fifteen I should be able to go out when I want! Besides, you let Vinnie go out.

Harry - Vinnie is a guy.

Cassidy - So?!

Harry - He's also older and more mature than you, it's not safe for a girl to go out at your age by yourself.

Cassidy - He is definitely not more mature than me and I'll be with friends!

Harry - Which friends? Because you already know you're not allowed to hang out with your LA friends.

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