chapter 2

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Cassidy's POV

( I can't believe Vinnie is here, why the hell would Niall invite him? Maybe he doesn't know what happened between us. Oh god here comes Louis walking towards me looking angry, what's up with that shit? He grabs my arm and pulls me to the hallway bathroom slamming the door behind us and I pull my arm away from his grasp )

Cassidy - What?! I'm busy!

Louis - What the fuck is Taylor doing here?

Cassidy - How should I know?

Louis - Did you know she was invited?

Cassidy - Yeah Harry told me.

Louis - Whatever.

( He says leaning up against the door with an annoyed look. Why does he care? )

Cassidy - Louis, what's the real reason we're in here?

Louis - Nothing! That's it.

Cassidy - Tell me.

Louis - You're just a kid! You wouldn't understand.

Cassidy - Don't pull that card, you know I do.

( He sighs and I see that he wants to tell me but there's a hint of distrust in his eyes. )

Cassidy - I've never told anyone anything private you've told me.

Louis - I know, I know, I'm just scared.

Cassidy - Of what?

Louis - I love Eleanor.

Cassidy - I know.

Louis - I never want to hurt her.

Cassidy - I know.

Louis - But, I'm in love with someone else.

( Just then there's a loud knock on the door, he rolls his eyes and opens it exasperated. It's Zayn. )

Zayn - You guys have got to see this, come on.

( We follow him outside to the back balcony that's over the pool, concrete, and yard. There's tables, chairs, tiki bar, food, drinks, loud music, and a shit ton of people. I look down and see Harry and Taylor making out on one of the tables set up and everyone looking on and cheering. I look at Louis and see anger and disappointment in his eyes and his face getting red. )

Zayn - You alright Lou?

Louis - Yeah mate just tired.

Zayn - Eleanor here?

Louis - Yeah, I'll be back.

( Louis walks back inside and I look back down at a now shirtless Harry and he's taking shots out of Taylor's boobs. )

Zayn - That bother you?

Cassidy - I just can't believe he's with her after she cheated on him so many times.

Zayn - Harold can get any girl he wants, for some reason he's stuck on this one.

Cassidy - I guess.

Zayn - What were you and Louis talking about?

Cassidy - Oh uh he was just mad that my room isn't clean.

Zayn - Alright, I'm gonna go and play some eight ball, do you want to come?

Cassidy - Not right now, maybe later.

( He nods and walks back inside, I look back down and wonder if they're making out or trying to eat each others faces. I look to the left and see Vinnie with two girls around his arms, figures. I guess he could feel someone was staring at him and he looks around before looking into my eyes and taking his arms off the girls. Like I care, he'll never change. I shake my head and go inside and find a group of kids my age inside playing video games on the TV. )

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