chapter 7

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So it's the next weekend and Louis' still mad at me for shoving him, he hasn't even looked my way or talked to me since that day. I mean yeah I shouldn't have done it but he needs to get over it. Oh by the way school has started back, I'm doing online school so It's not that bad but It's still so boring to do. So, It's Friday afternoon and the boys are having a show tonight at 7:00 PM it's 4:00 PM and we have to get there early.  I'm getting ready and I take a shower, brush my teeth, curl my hair, put on mascara, highlight, blush, and lipgloss, put on earrings, a necklace, and then get dressed.


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( I sit down on one of my chairs in my room and get on my phone, yes Zayn finally brought it back after a long few days. There's a knock on my door and I'm half hoping it's Louis. )

Cassidy - It's open.

( My door opens and it's Vinnie, damn he's looking hot today in his nice shirt and pants. Don't tell him I said that. 😉 )

Vinnie - You coming?

Cassidy - Yeah, where's Louis?

Vinnie - I think he's already in the car.

Cassidy - Who's driving?

Vinnie - I think Bill or Paul.

( I put my hand out and he lifts me up out of the chair and we go downstairs to the car, oh God. The only seat that is open when Vinnie gets in is next to Louis. I notice he rolls his eyes and I get in scooting as far away from him as possible. Paul starts to drive and about 45 minutes later we get there and Vinnie and I are backstage talking and the boys are getting ready. )

Liam - What song are we opening with tonight boys?

Zayn - The same one we always open with.

Liam - Smart ass.

( Zayn smirks and Liam rolls his eyes. Harry walks over to me. )

Harry - Cass, I need to talk to you for a second.

( Vinnie walks away giving us privacy to talk, I guess. )

Cassidy - I'm busy Harold.

( He leans down and whispers in my ear. )

Harry - I expect you to behave, don't make me come off stage and wear your ass out in front of everyone.

( I roll my eyes and he walks away. I turn around and see Vinnie talking to some girl, of course. She hugs him so obviously I walk up to them. I see her name tag and her name is Samantha, she puts her hand out for me to shake and of course I don't. )

Samantha - Hi! I'm Samantha It's so nice to meet you.

Cassidy - So what's going on here?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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