chapter 4

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( Soooo we left off where I was sunburnt and Harry spanked me 🙄. It wasn't the worst he's ever given me but it certainly still hurt so bad. The next night I'm going up to bed and see Louis sitting at the kitchen counter in one of the high stools as I go by, I huff and go in there and sit down as well. )

Louis - How's your sunburn?

Cassidy - It still hurts a lot but Harry's been helping me take care of it.

Louis - That's good.

Cassidy - Louis I just wanted to apologize for accusing you of taking my phone, after we got in an argument I thought you had taken in but I should've looked for it before accusing you.

Louis - That's okay, I apologize for acting like I had it and putting my legs on you.

Cassidy - Thank you, I'm gonna go to bed.

Louis - Don't forget studio session early morning tomorrow 7:30 AM.

( I nod and go upstairs to bed. The next morning at 6:30 I wake up and take a COLD shower. After I'm out I put on a tank top and Harry helps me put the aloe and calamine lotion on. I then get dressed into a comfy but cute outfit. It was a cloudy day and no sun so I was able to wear a tank top to give my shoulders a break. If you're wondering how I've been sleeping I've been sleeping on of the big chairs in my room because I can't sleep in my bed with this sunburn hurting as bad as it does. )


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( I pull my hair in a high messy bun, put some face moisturizer on and chapstick. Once we get to the studio the boys are recording, Vinnie and I are sitting on the black leather couch. )

Vinnie - I see you're still wearing my promise ring.

( He says smirking as he takes my hand and looks at the ring. So like the reason I never told y'all I always wear it is because I didn't want you to think I'm pathetic for wearing a promise ring a guy who "cheated" on me so many times, but yeah a day hasn't gone by that I don't wear it since he gave it to me. )


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Vinnie - You know you're the only girl I ever got a promise ring for?

Cassidy - I doubt that.

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