chapter 3

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( So we left off where Liam spanked me with a spoon ugh. That was horrible. But Harry's hand hurts way worse. Fast forward to next Friday, Vinnie is moving in today for a little bit and of course I'm being made to help him even though there's plenty of movers and maids but Harry said something ridiculous about "Learning to do things on my own." I wake up, shower, put my hair into a high ponytail and change into some clothes. OMG! I forgot to tell you guys Harry got me a new phone a few days ago. I'm so happy to have my baby back. )


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( It's so fucking hot outside and I have to help carry this shit in. I go downstairs and out the front door to see a moving van and my mouth drops to the floor when i see how much shit it is and that Taylor is here. )

Vinnie - Well well rise and shine!

( I storm over to Harry and tap his shoulder, he turns around and tries to give me a hug )

Harry - Good morning Cass!

( He goes to hug me and I push him off. )

Harry - What's the problem now?

Cassidy - Why is she here?

Harry - I didn't invite her, she just showed up.

( He whispers quietly while admiring her. I wanted to slap him across the face so bad but I definitely didn't want to cause a scene Vinnies first day here. We will see how that goes. After about an hour and a half we got all his stuff inside and he unpacks in about 45 minutes. )

Vinnie - Cass!

( He yells from the top of the stairs. )

Cassidy - What?!

( I yell back. )

Vinnie - Come here!

Cassidy - No!

Taylor - Well since you don't want to, I will!

( I hear Vinnie groan and Taylor run up the stairs to the third floor to his room. I get on my phone and scroll through Instagram and Zayn comes and sits down next to me. )

Zayn - I think we're gonna go out to eat tonight to celebrate Vinnie moving in, do you have any ideas of where you want to go?

Cassidy - Nothing I can think of right now.

Zayn - What about Nandos?

Cassidy - Niall's favorite.

Zayn - It's beginning to be my favorite too.

Cassidy - That's fine with me, make sure you ask Harry he's the picky one.

Zayn - True.

( Rosemary walks by making Zayn blush as they smile at each other. )

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