chapter 5

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Skipping to two weeks later from the last chapter. So Its Friday, and we're supposed to be going out tonight, not sure where yet. I'm excited but also nervous because I know there's going to be a ton of fans there. Lily is still here which Harry was okay with, he said it was fine because I needed a friend. Whatever that means. So Lily and I are getting ready in my bathroom. )

Lily - What are you gonna wear?

Cassidy - Not sure, probably shorts.

Lily - Can I borrow something out of your closet?

Cassidy - Sure.

Lily - Thanks.

( She leaves the bathroom and I put my hair up in a high messy bun, put face moisturizer on, highlight on my nose and inner corners, mascara, and lipgloss. No way I was gonna wear a ton of makeup it's too hot. Now to choose my outfit. I go to my closet and pick out something simple but cute. )

( Cute enough, Lily and I go downstairs and everyone is already seated at the table

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( Cute enough, Lily and I go downstairs and everyone is already seated at the table. I sit down next to Niall and Lily sits in between Harry and Vinnie. Rosemary made pancakes, bacon, and fruit salad with some milk. We all begin eating. )

Liam - Do you guys have any idea where you might want to go tonight?

Niall - I was thinking Nandos!

Zayn - Of course you were Niall.

Niall - Hey, you know you like it.

Zayn - Okay I can't argue with that.

Harry - What about the movies?

( Wow that's actually a good idea, we all agree to see the movie "Scream" yes it's old but it's a classic. )

Louis - I'll have security call the movie theater and rent out a theater to ourselves.

Harry - Sounds good Lou.

( He pats Louis on the back and I see Louis blush. )

Vinnie - Liam do you still want to go workout after we eat?

Liam - Yes for sure.

Lily - Can I come?

Liam - Oh um, sure you can.

Lily - Thank you.

( I see her smile widely at Vinnie and he gives her a weird look and he looks at me. Hmm, I wonder what that's about? Louis gives me a look like "what the hell is she doing?" I shrug and begin eating again. After everyone eats Vinnie and I do the dishes together, he sprays me with the sink hose and I grab it from him and spray him. We laugh and he picks me up and tickles me. )

Vinnie - Say sorry!

Cassidy - Ok ok I'm sorry!

( I say between laughs as he puts me down and grabs my waist pulling me in close making my heart beat fast wondering what's gonna happen next. )

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