Chapter Three

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Adeline's POV:

My heard was beginning to feel fuzzy from all the champagne I'd been drinking when I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. Turning slowly, I came face to face with Ty's crew chief, Chris Gayle. By the set of his jaw and the look in his eyes, I could tell that he wasn't happy about Ty not being here tonight. Neither was I but what the hell was I going to do about it? I'd did my part in trying to get him to come. Everyone dealt with grief in their own way and obviously that's what Ty was doing.

"Look Chris, I tried." I said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I really did. He's just not in the right headspace tonight."

"I get that. But this is a once in a lifetime thing here." Said Chris. "You know that Coy wouldn't want him to miss this.

"I know that and so does he so I don't need you to remind me of it." I said, my anger flaring. "I did everything but beg on my knees for him to be here tonight. I did what I could to get him here. I'm sorry that ain't good enough for you."


"I wasn't done, Chris." I said, cutting him off. "My family is doing good to even be standing. The last thing everyone was worried about was this banquet because we learned the hard way that there are more important things in life than racing. We learned that nothing in life is promised, that those that we love the most can be taken from us in the blink of an eye. So don't tell me that Ty is missing a once in a lifetime thing because believe me, he already knows. He knows that he's missing out on it and he knows that he's missing it because our daddy is no longer alive. Yes, I know that makes me sound hypocritical since I am part of one of the biggest known families in the industry but it's the damn truth. Even Pappy Joe ain't here tonight so how dare you want to come over here and start you mess about Ty."

"I just- he was expected to give a speech." Said Chris, scrubbing his hand over his face as if he knew he was going to regret saying what he said.

"Your point being?" I asked, placing a hand on my hip and cocking it to one side.

"Someone has to give it. And as a Gibbs, that someone should be you." Said Chris.

"You're kidding right?' I said with a disbelieving laugh.

"I wish I was. I think it would mean a lot to everyone here if you did his speech rather than one of us."

"I don't care what it would mean to everyone here. Everyone here should understand why Ty isn't here. They should understand why I am the only Gibbs in attendance. They should understand that all we want is the chance to grieve and be a family without the prying eyes of everyone in the damn industry."

"If things are so bad, why are you here?" asked Chris.

His comment made me see red. Before I even realized what happened, I'd slapped him across his face. I was prepared to do a whole lot more than that when I felt strong arms band around my waist, lifting me off the floor and way from Ty's crew chief. "Put me down!" I yelled as I trashed, trying to break the hold the man had on me. But the more I squirmed, the tighter he held me. "Not a chance." Said the man holding me. Instantly, I recognized the voice as that of Jeb's.

"Don't make me kick you in the shin. Would hate to damage that right leg and keep you from racing." I said, no longer screaming and my rage slowly ebbing away.

"Ahh, so you know who I am." Said Jeb, his playful tone making my residual anger wash away. "But I will say if kicking me will make you feel better, have at it. I don't have to drive again for a couple months. That should be plenty of time to heal any wounds you give me."

Before I could respond, the cool night air washed over my skin just as I was settled onto my feet. I aimed to step away from Jeb's hold but when I did, he simply spun me around so that I was facing him before pulling me against him again. Knowing that I would think about this long after the moment was gone, I let him pull me to him and rested my cheek against his muscled chest. I don't know how long we stood there like that but it was Jeb who finally broke the silence.

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