Chapter Eleven

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Addie's POV:

With a satisfied stretch that spoke of all every position, every stroke, and every mind-blowing orgasm from the night before, I woke from what could only be characterized as a nap. I call what little sleep I had gotten a nap because Jeb and I had both been guilty of keeping one another awake, using each other's bodies until we both finally collapsed from exhaustion. I may be tired and need a couple days sleep to recoup but it was something that I was willing to live with as long as it meant that I got to wake up like this.

The only thing that would make it better would be if Jeb was lying next to me.

As soon as I had the thought, that little niggle of doubt crept in, telling me that Jeb had left while I was sleeping, that his words and his actions had been nothing more than just a means to an end, but I quickly shut that down. But as I was telling that voice in my head to kindly shut the fuck up, I saw a black leather duffle sitting on the chair in the corner, the boots he had been wearing last night tucked neatly beneath the chair.

Rolling out of bed, I grabbed his shirt that was folded on his duffle, skipping the panties and bra, and made my way around the apartment in search of Jeb, that little voice that had just been doing its best to fill my head with doubt now chiming in with how I looked like a slut walking around in a t-shirt that barely covered my ass and nothing else. Again, I told that voice just where she could shove her opinion.

After checking the living room, kitchen, and bathrooms and not finding him, I knew there were only two other places he could be. And since he didn't have a reason to be in Ty's room –and I knew from watching his stories in Instagram and Facebook that he liked to workout pretty much everyday– that only left the home gym that Ty had insisted on –the one that he never uses. I bet in the two years that he and I have been staying here, he hasn't been in that room more than five times. Not that I had any room to talk. I'd been there only a handful of times myself... mostly when I made my annual new year's resolution to take better care of myself only to overdue it the first day and say screw it for the rest of the year.

As I neared the door, I could hear the sounds of Morgan Wallen filling the room, the volume low enough to be respectful but loud enough to be heard over the noises of the equipment. Again, my thoughts went to his social media accounts and how often he listened to Wallen. Then again, he is the biggest thing in Nashville right now and everybody and their mama is always listening to his music.

I caught myself swaying to "Keith Whitley" as I opened the door. The swaying I had been in the middle of going stopped immediately as soon as I stepped into the room. With his back to me, I watched as Jeb grabbed the pull-up bar and began lifting and lowering himself slowly, making the muscles in his back bulge deliciously. As if that wasn't sexy enough, his sweats were slung low on his hips and the scratch marks I'd left at some point last night or this morning covered his sweat slickened skin. I'd never been one that got turned on by seeing something like that but seeing it on Jeb as his words from last night suddenly popped into my head were definitely doing it for me, awakening parts of me that had never really fully gone to sleep.

Taking the opportunity to just watch him, I leaned against the doorway. Drool spilled from my mouth and my eyes popped out of my head just like it did in those old cartoons when they saw something sexy when Jeb switched from two handed pull-ups to one handed.

And the longer I stood there, the dirtier my line of thought got.

One particular image was of me dropping to my knees in front of him, pulling his cock out, and wrapping my lips around his length, letting the motion of his pull-ups set the pace for how fast I sucked him off. That image blurred into one of me spread out on the weight bench, his face buried between my thighs. While it wasn't as erotic or exotic as my prior vision, it was still hot as hell, forcing me to fidget and cross my legs in hopes of alleviating the pressure that was slowly building; The one that only he was capable of satisfying.

As if he finally sensed that he wasn't alone, I watched as he dropped from the pull up bar and turned to me, his bare chest glistening with sweat. My mouth began to water instantly. I wanted to lick every little rivet off him. That urge only grew when he gave me that 'devil-may-care' smile of his just before he blew me a kiss that almost turned me into a pile of molten goo.

"You just gonna stand there and watch? Or are you going to come over here and make sure I get a really good workout?" Said Jeb, using his phone to adjust the volume of the bluetooth speaker in the corner.

"How do you even have energy to work out after last night and this morning?" I asked, my feet still firmly planted in place because I was scared that if I took a step, my legs were going to give out on me. I never understood the saying 'I was weak in the knees' until now...

"I won't lie. I really wasn't feeling it," said Jeb as he lazily strolled towards me. "But seeing the look you are wearing right now makes my sore muscles well worth it."

"Is that so?" I asked, a challenge clear in my tone.

"It is." Jeb stopped in front of me, leaving some space between us. One arm landed on the wall behind me as he leaned in close, his lips landed on the shell of my ear, as the other landed on my thigh and worked its way upwards to my lady garden. The moan he made when he found that I wasn't wearing any panties was sexy enough that if I had been wearing any, they would have spontaneously combusted into flames. "Does watching me work out turn you on darlin?"

"Mmmhmm." I was rendered speechless from the menstrations of his fingers on the tight bundle of nerves between my legs.

"Tell me what you want, baby. Do you want me to fuck you here against the wall?" Jeb whispered as he tunneled two long fingers into my wet core. "Do you want me to fuck you on the floor from behind over by the mirror so you can see how fucking beautiful you are when you cum?" His fingers crooked then, rubbing that spot deep inside me that would have my orgasm building in 2.3 seconds flat."

"Think you could do some more pull-ups?" I asked, my voice husky with need as the memory of my vision popped back into my mind.

"Not the answer I was looking for but if you want me to get you all hot and bothered while I do pull-ups, I can do that." said Jeb, his fingers falling from my core as he looked down into my hazel eyes curiously.

"For what I have in mind, I promise you won't be complaining." I said, pushing off the wall at the same time as I grabbed the hem of his t-shirt and whipped it over my head, tossing it unceremoniously to the floor. I felt his gaze roam over my naked body from head to toe.

"Fuck..." he moaned as I slipped under he arm and made my way over to the pull-up bar.

I waited for Jeb to grab the bar above his head before I dropped to my knees. The desire for me that shone in his blue/green eyes was an aphrodisiac, making my already heated blood reach a boiling point... but in the best way possible.

With my eyes still locked with his, I lifted my arms and dipped my fingers into the waistband of his sweats, slowly pulling them down over his slim hips and freeing his already hardened cock. I licked my lips before leaning forwards and placing a kiss on the very tip of him.

"I think you can see where I'm going with this," I said, wrapping one hand around his length and slowly moving it up and down it. "But in case I need to make it clear, I'm going to suck you off while you finish up your workout. Then, you can do whatever you want to me."

'Addie, I–"

"Start your pull-ups Jeb and I'll start with giving you head." I said, cutting him off. I couldn't resist teasing him though so I ran the tip of my tongue around the fat head of his cock as I squeezed his length in my hand. Again, he moaned deep in his throat, telling me that I was playing with fire.

Well baby, I just might like to get burned...

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