Chapter Five

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Addie's POV:

The night sky was slowly starting to turn that beautiful orange color, telling everyone watching it that a new day was dawning. As content as I was to lay in bed snuggled in Jeb's arms after spending all night going at one another like a couple of dogs in heat, the last thing that I wanted to do was climb out of the lush bed. But adulthood calls and I'd put off dealing with reality for as long as I should. I needed to get back to Ty and make sure he was better than he was last night. Then I needed to get to work and deal with the aftermath of my ghosting the party last night and refusing to give an acceptance speech for Ty. I knew that the CEO and Pappy Joe's right hand was going to have some things to say about that but honestly, I didn't give a shit because it wasn't my place to have done it anyway. Plus, there was the fact that my family was practically going through hell right now so everyone should understand that giving speeches and accepting awards was the last things on our minds.

Slowly slipping out of the bed, careful not to disturb Jeb, I made my way into the bathroom to get cleaned up. I knew I'd still to get a shower when I went home but I also didn't want to get into a cab smelling like I'd just spent the night having the hottest sex of my life. If I'd driven to the party last night I would still be getting cleaned up because it was just what you did. There was also the fact that I had this fear of getting into a crash and people thinking I was nasty or some sort of slut you liked to walk around smelling like sex and man juice. That thought led me to something I had heard an elderly woman say once. "Always make sure you have on clean underwear when you leave the house. You don't want people thinking that you don't know the least bit about personal hygiene." Clean clothes were a must anytime I left the house but something about the way she worded it made the saying stick with me.

Once inside the bathroom, I softly closed the door behind me before flicking the light on. My eyes blinked rapidly as they adjusted to the sudden brightness. When they had finally adjusted, I looked at myself in the massive mirror that practically covered one whole wall of the room. Funny, I didn't look different -other unless you count the bags under my eyes from lack of sleep- but I felt different. Maybe not different so to speak but definitely well used. From the love bites that peppered my chest that mixed with the beard burn that had been left behind to the feeling of the muscles inside me that hadn't been used in far too long, I just felt different. I felt liberated.

Walking over to the shower that was big enough for six people, I adjusted the taps to my liking. I was just about to climb in when the bathroom door opened and Jeb walked in.

"That's one of the few places we didn't christen last night." He said as he stopped in the middle of the bathroom. My lady bits clenched at the sight of him standing there with his cock jutting out proudly. My brain began to try and process how all of him had fit inside of me.

Jeb must have read the direction of my thoughts because as stood there staring at him, he fisted his hardened cock and lazily stroked himself from root to tip, his brown eyes locked with mine the entire time. When he twisted his wrist on a downward stroke, the tip began to glisten, making my mouth water and a moan to slip past my lips. My body was deliciously sore and I knew taking him inside me again was only going to make it worse but there was no way that I could deny what my body craved. If I didn't take this chance, I knew that I would beat myself up for not giving in to my desires if I let this chance go to waste. Plus, at the moment, I couldn't think of a single reason as to why I should waste a good hard-on.

The with that thought in my mind, I turned and stepped into the shower, sending a look over my shoulder in his direction that silently told him to follow me. I didn't know if he had read my look or not until one of his arms banded around me from behind and pulled me into his chest while the other cupped my breast. The feeling of his cock pressing against my back as his fingers toyed with my nipple had my head falling back on my shoulders. Jeb took the opening I'd given him and began to place biting kisses along the column of my next. My head fell to the side, giving him better access.

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