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I watched as my friends looked at each other and laughed when Daniel passed by. He was new and didn't have any friends. The first day he moved here a group of boys beat him up at a beach party. One of my friends, Angelina was there and she told me everything. It was her boyfriend who has beaten up Daniel. They have been going around the school making fun of him. Calling him weak, nerd, idiot, etc. I went along with them, insulting him and laughing at him. It wasn't my favourite thing to do but whatever. He is weird anyway. 

I was walking down the school hall with Angelina and her boyfriend Josh. Her boyfriend noticed Daniel coming from the other end of the hall. 

"Pussy ass bitch" He roughly shoved Daniel into the wall, his skull smashed against the brick wall. Angelina and her Josh moved closer to him, throwing insults to his face. We all laughed as he held his head in pain. I stood back for a moment before deciding to join in. 

"Please" he begged. "Leave me alone!" He shoved back.

"What did you say to me punk?" Josh started to corner Daniel. 

"Yeah Daniel, I'd watch it unless you want your scrony ass beat again" I said looking over at Angelina as we started to laugh hysterically. Daniel gulped looking up at Josh. He stared down at Daniel till his eyes started to water. Josh then spit at his face and walked off. Angelina and I followed. I turned back to see Daniel whipping the spit off his face with his sweater sleeve. I frowned and looked ahead again. I couldn't let Angelina see that I felt bad. I shouldn't feel bad anyway, he is just a nerd as Angelina says. 

I went to class. Daniel was in my class, along with Angelina and Josh. We all sat together at a table. Daniel sat by himself at a singular desk in the back corner. I noticed his eyes, watching the grey clouds move throughout the sky. He spent a lot of time starring out the window. 

"Y/N why do you keep looking over at the twink" Angelina says looking at him than back at me again. 

"I just zoned out" I held my head in my hand and began writing again. What I was doing just didn't feel right. All of this hate towards an innocent boy. It just didn't feel right. 

"Ugh please don't tell me you feel bad for him" Angelina scoffed.

"No of course not, he's so weird" He wasn't weird though. He seemed nice. 

"Good, he's an ugly weakling. He doesn't deserve your pity" Angelina snaps. I notice Daniels head turning over to us. He had heard what she said. 

"He's not that ugly" I respond. Angelina was beginning to anger me.

"You're joking" She chuckled. 

"I'm not"

"Who the hell do you think you are Y/N. If you think he's so hot then go marry him". Her and josh laughed. "Gross" She whispered under he breath. I pretended as if I didn't hear it. 

After class Angelina and Josh approached Daniel once again. It was their daily routine to torture him. Josh began pushing him into wall. 

"Hey cut out it, I think he's had enough" I speak up. Daniels watery, caramel eyes looked at me. He had eyes that begged for mercy. Angelina gave me a dirty look. Josh didn't listen and continued to push and punch him. "I said, that's enough!" I grabbed onto Josh's coat and yanked him back off of Daniel.

"Excuse me?" He began to corner me. 

"You heard me. I said that. is. enough." I wasn't scared. I stood below him fearless, ready to fight. 

"What the hell do you think you're do-" I interrupted Angelina by slapping her across the face. Josh went to swing at me, I dodged him and swung my leg to kick right between my legs. Angelina held her cheek while Josh fell to the ground. I turned to look at Angelina, she remained silent and ran off. I moved past Josh over to Daniel. He flinched when I went near him. 

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise." He looked like a scared puppy. "I am so sorry Daniel. For them and for me. You didn't deserve that. I promise I won't let them hurt you again okay?" He nodded. "Are you hurt?" I asked, placing my hands on his shoulders. 

"A little" He responded placing his hand on his head.

"Let's go get some ice okay?" I wrapped my arm around him and I walked with him to get some ice for his injury. I got Daniel some ice and gave it to him. He held the bag of ice to his head. 

"Friends?" I ask with a friendly grin.


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