Surpirse (Older Daniel)

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"I promise, you'll love them" I insured to Daniel as we pulled up to my great grandmothers home. Daniel and I had been invited to a family reunion of mine. Everyone from my mother's side of the family had been there.

Daniel and I had been dating for two years now. We started dating when I was 18 and when he was 29. Now we are 20 and 31. My mom was a bit weirded out by it at first but she eventually grew to love him. She had been the only one to meet him.

"You must be Daniel!" My grandmother smiled widely greeting him, hugging him tightly.

A group of my aunt and cousins began to crowd him now too. 

"Oh so handsome!"

"So nice to meet you Daniel!"

"We are beyond glad you two are here!"

I said hello to each of the aunts, grandparent's, uncles and cousins and introduced Daniel to all of them. Each were so impressed of his business as CEO of a car dealership.

"So Danial, where are you from?" One of my great aunts asked.

"I'm Italian, from New Jersey"

"Italian! Wow!"

Daniel was in awe from the admiration and attention he was getting from my family. I was so happy that they liked him. I was nervous that the age gap would cause some judgment or issues.

"Come have a seat, let me get you two a drink" Daniel and I sat in lawn chairs out in the summer heat while my aunt bought us cold sodas. "If you want any booze or anything just let me know okay?" She laughed patting Daniel's shoulder.

I was caught off guard by my younger cousin running to me. He was only 8. "Y/N!"

"Hey little man, I missed you!" I lifted him up onto my lap. "This is Daniel" I said pointing to him next to me. "My boyfriend, say hi". He waved at Daniel shyly. "He likes cars just like you"

"Really!" His little eyes lit up.

"Oh yeah, I sell some of the coolest cars" Daniel smiled at him. "Wanna see one?"

"Yeah! Yeah!" Daniel took my little cousin out front to see his car. "Woah!"

"Nice right?"

"Yeah! Is it a Mercedes?"

"It is, you know your cars" Daniel grinned at him.

"I love cars"

I watched from a distance while Daniel showed him around his car. It was so sweet. I knew he would be an amazing dad one day just from this.

I decided to let them be and go back out to my family. I noticed my mom kept smiling at me and laughing. But she always did so I just ignored it.

"Hey sweetheart" I hear. I turn around to see Daniel returning with my younger cousin.

"Hey" He kissed me gently, holding the sides of my face. Luckily we weren't in the view of everyone. Daniel continued to kiss me, sweetly and passionately. His lips were soft and his scent was so sensual and alluring. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom quickly. Why don't you go back with the crowd I'll be there in a minute." I grinned while I laid my hands on his chest.

"Okay" He smiled back at me. I left to go to the restroom while Daniel went back to my family. He sat beside my grandmother, making conversation.

"Y/N talks about you all the time, she's says your favourite" Daniel smiled

My nana laughed. "Oh hunny, you two are my favourite too" She rubbed his shoulder. "How did you two meet?"

"I sold her her first car"

"And is your business successful?"

"I'd say so yeah"

"Is she living with you?"

"Yes, she is"

"Where about do you live?"

"Marietta Georgia"

"Oh wow, fancy huh?"

Daniel chuckled. "Yeah"

I came back from the bathroom, coming into the crowd. Daniel and my mother made eye contact but I didn't notice.

"Y/N, come here" My mom stood up, coming in front of me. Both of us were in front of everyone. My grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, family friends, etc. "Tell everyone the news!" Everyone's head turned to me.

"What news?"

"The university!"

"Oh right" I turned to look at everyone. "I got accepted into my dream university last week!"

They all cheered for a moment. Then I noticed their face change. Becoming very shocked.

"Y/N?" I hear behind me. I turn around and see Daniel on one knee with a ring in his hand. "Will you marry me?"

I cover my mouth and tears begin to drip down my cheek. I become so overwhelmed in emotion and love I don't know what to say.  He was just so handsome and sweet, with the smile on his face and the love in his eyes.

Everyone behind me cheer once again as Daniel stands taking my hand gently in his, sliding the gorgeous diamond ring onto my finger. I cried in his arms as he hugged me. I'd never felt so loved and cherished before.

The hug grew larger as my mom, nana and aunts all joined into the hug. And my little cousin sneaking in hugging my waist.

I couldn't stop myself from crying. I loved him so much, and now we would spend our every moments together forever. Just us and one day our little babies.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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