🍓Chapter 7🍓

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Arabella's pov:

I woke up around nine am, which is later than I really ever have slept in. I guess nobody cares if I sleep in or not here. 

I still felt really sore, and my arms stung as they rubbed against the bandages, so I didn't want to wear anything too tight. Eventually I chose this:

I found my way to the kitchen, which was huge, by the way

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I found my way to the kitchen, which was huge, by the way. Thankfully, Tony was in there and noticed me quickly. 

"Hey kid, you want something to eat?" He asked. I just shook my head. "Okay, well if you want anything, feel free to eat it. There are no rules when it comes to eating." That's new. I haven't eaten in a while, but I know that I can go a week without eating before I feel like I'll pass out. 

I silently sat down in a chair and went on my phone. I scrolled through social media, but nothing too interesting was happening. I needed to talk to Lily and Jaxson about this in person, and today didn't feel right. 

I heard a familiar voice start talking to someone, but I didn't look up. My mind felt fuzzy. "Arabella!" A voice said loudly, snapping me back to reality. (Snap back to reality, oh there goes gravity) "Huh?" I looked up and saw Peter Parker in the kitchen in his pajamas. So there must be some father son thing going on in here or something. "Oh hey Peter." I said before really realizing  I was even talking. "Dad says you'll be staying here for a while?" He asked. So I was right. I had no idea they were family. You seriously never would've guessed from Peter's... well everything. 

"I- yeah. Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom." I excused myself and went into the bathroom connected to the room I was staying in. And speaking of staying in, what did Peter mean by that? I can't stay here, I'll accidentally reveal my powers, or I'll just be so annoying they'll get rid of me. Tony's probably already suspicious of the fact that I was kicked out. 

I took a few deep breaths before turning invisible for a minute. It's calming and I need that feeling. After catching my breath, I went back out to the kitchen. When I got out there, Black fucking Widow was eating a bowl of cereal. I mean I know she lives here, but it's not something you see every day if that makes sense. "Oh, you must be Arabella. I'm Natasha, but please, call me Nat." She smiled at me, which seemed to surprise Tony, but I didn't give it any thoughts. "Wait, so is it Arabella, like the song?" Peter asked. "I wish. It was released ten years after I was born. It's a good song though. It was my dad's sister's name or something." I had no need to mention that she died around the time I was born, so in order to pay respects or something, I got her name. "Arabella is an Italian name, right?" Peter asked. I nodded. "It's a pretty name. If I was a girl, I'd probably be named Arabella." Peter said as he got some Lucky Charms and sat down next to Nat. 

"So, what brings you to the Tower?" Nat asked me. "Oh, she's my personal intern and she needed a place for a bit, so here she is." Tony quickly said. I guess he could sense I really didn't want to say anything. "Oh, well if you need anything, you'll have us and the rest of the Avengers here for you." She said. I didn't know how to respond. 

The rest of the day consisted of me just meeting the rest of the team, or as they called it, "Avengers Family".  Tony kept trying to get me to eat, but I refused every time. I've noticed that the longer you stay out of the way, the longer you have a good place to stay at. I'm expecting these people to turn on me at any second. 

By the time it was like seven at night, I decided that they were probably sick of me, so I started heading up to my room, but Peter stopped me. "Hey, we're all watching a movie downstairs and everyone wants you to join." He told me. "What movie?" "I don't know yet, but come on!" He practically dragged me to the living room. 

"Oh, Arabella! Because it's your first day here, you can pick our movie!" Nat said. "If you pick Star Wars, you're out of this tower." Sam threatened. I know it's a joke, but my brain went straight to last night. Tony realized I was overwhelmed, so he just suggested we just watch some 90s comedy, which you really can't go wring with. I was kind of zoned out, but I think it was Kindergarten Cop. 

After the movie finished, I just went to the bedroom I was staying in and just stayed awake. I couldn't sleep, but I couldn't think either. Just drowning in my own doubt that any of this was going to last for long. 

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