Berk's Chief

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We flew for two days straight. Only taking small breaks on small islands. They didn't seem concerned with me trying to escape but they were keeping an eye on me so I wouldn't try anything. It was an oddly bad move on their part to not confiscate any of my weapons or even search me before kidnapping me.

We eventually made it to a large island that seemed vaguely familiar. Had I been here before? They put me down in front of a giant building. If I had to guess this was probably their Great Hall, which means inside I'd meet the tribe's Chief. I tried mentally preparing myself for whoever was beyond the door but the Viking behind the door was someone nothing could prepare me for. I finally understood why this village seemed so familiar. Their chief was the red bearded viking I saw in the Mead Hall the other day. The intimidating one that locked eyes with me when he entered.

The Great Hall lived up to its name. It was huge. They had it carved into the mountain so the roof was a bit rough looking, but it complemented the intimidating atmosphere perfectly. There was a single large round table in the middle, several smaller tables and benches off to the sides and one large throne looking chair at the end of the building. The large table in the middle was most likely their strategy table where they discussed where to attack next. The smaller tables and benches seemed to be more for eating or casually hanging out. The throne at the end was up on a pile of rocks, making sure whoever sat in it had an overview of the complete place. On the throne sat the red bearded viking, the chieftain.

"Hiccup, what're you doing here? I thought you and Toothless were out looking for Viggo?" He spoke softly but with authority. I really hope he doesn't recognize me.

"I was, but we found this girl instead. She was on Viggo's island but claims she doesn't know him." They were talking as if I wasn't there. It was pissing me off but I better keep my cool if I wanna keep my head. That axe by his chair was no joke.

"You think she's lying?" He questioned the boy's judgement. I wonder what their relationship is. The chieftain spoke casually with the boy meaning they probably know each other pretty well, but still with enough authority that it was hard to pinpoint. No point worrying about it right now.

"I'm not sure. Which is why I brought her here. You seem to know everyone so I was hoping you could help me out. Or maybe Johann is here and can help?"

"I'm sorry, son. I don't know who she is, but if she was on Viggo's Isle, then she might know more than she's leading on. I'll talk with her." He got up from his chair and walked toward us. Shit, I attacked the Chieftains son. If he found out I was definitely dead. Don't you dare say a word kid!

"One more thing. She claims she doesn't have any dragon, but we searched her hut and found resources not commonly found on that island."

"Leave us, Hiccup. I'll talk with her and see what I find out." The boy and dragon left and I was left standing in front of the Viking leader all alone. My stomach turned as my blood ran cold.

The large Viking towered over me without saying a word. I stood frozen to the spot. None of us moved and none of us made a sound. After what felt like an eternity I couldn't take it anymore. The silence was too intense so I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off before I had a chance to say anything.

"Before you say anything, I have a question. You better hope I'm satisfied with your answer." I hesitantly nodded and looked him in the eyes.

"What is it?" I steeled my nerves as much as I could but it was pointless. The intimidating aura from this guy was insane. I couldn't believe he was really the father of that scrawny boy from earlier.

"Hiccup said you didn't have any dragon, which means you don't have any way to fly to other islands. You could've used a boat but no one is dumb enough to sail to Viggo's island unless they're on his side, so you tell me right now. How did you get to Berk?"

"What?" Shit, he recognized me from that night. How did he do that? We barely looked at each other and I was gone before he could get a good look at me.

"You heard me. How did you get to Berk the other day? No one is willing to sail you back to that island and if you don't have a dragon you can't fly, so you're obviously lying. Tell me the truth, how did you get here!?"

"I… I can't tell you that." He seemed to grow larger at my response.

"Tell me. What are you keeping from us? Do you have a dragon captured somewhere? Or are you truly a dragon hunter?"

"I'm not a dragon hunter. Why would I hunt dragons? Not like I have a death wish."

"So you have a dragon hidden somewhere?"

"Not exactly.." I looked away for a moment, needing a break from those intense eyes.

"Explain yourself."

"I can't." I clenched my fists in frustration. This was irritating. This is why I keep to myself. Bureaucracy is dumb.

"Answer my question!" He yelled at me now.

"I can't do that!" I gritted my teeth as I answered.

"I said, answer me!" He clenched his fist and punched me in the gut. I slumped over and fell into a coughing fit.

"I can't…" My answer landed me another punch to the face. That second hit was enough to knock me to the floor. My head was spinning and my eyelids were getting heavy. As my vision faded, I could feel myself getting picked up.

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