The Backstory

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"Is it just me, or does Haley seem different somehow?" Snotlout asked the others in the background.

"What do you mean?" Hiccup asked.

"She is unusually friendly. She smiles and sighs all the time. And let's not forget, she has no regard for herself or her dragon anymore." Snotlout informed the others of his suspicions.

"Isn't it obvious what's happening?" Ruffnut asked. The others looked puzzled at her.

"Oh, indeed it is, dear sister." Tuffnut added.

"You guys wanna tell the rest of us what's going on?" Hiccup inquired.

"Do we have to spell it out for you guys? She has a dreamy look on her face?" Ruffnut started.

"Check." Her brother responded.

"She is unusually happy all the time?" She continued.

"Double check."

"And we could ask her just about anything, and she would agree to do it?"

"That's a triple check."

"You guys just said the same thing I did." Snotlout stated, unamused.

"The poor girl is clearly in love." they announced proudly.

"In love? Who would she be in love with?" Astrid asked.

"Beats me." Ruffnut answered.

"It's clearly me." Snotlout announced to which the others started laughing.
"Hey! It's not funny!"

"Snotlout, after what happened the first time you proclaimed your love to her, what makes you think she's suddenly into you now?" Fishlegs asked while laughing.

"She's clearly had a change of heart. I mean, have you guys not noticed how nice she's been towards me lately? All the compliments she's been giving me?"

"You mean all the time she's told you to leave her alone and that she's repulsed by you? No, we remember." Astrid mocked. Snotlout got really upset at all their mockery, and Hiccup stepped in to diffuse the situation.

"Guys, guys. Why don't we just ask her?" He suggested.

"That's not a bad idea. Who knows, maybe we can invite them to the Edge as well." Astrid agreed.

"Oh yeah? And what if it turns out to be a bad guy? Or worse, Bucket?" The twins asked.

"I'm gonna have to agree with these two muttonheads. What if it's someone really bad? It could be Dagur for all we know." Snotlout agreed with the twins.

"I'm sure Haley's better than that. Besides, if it does turn out to be someone unfavorable, we'll find a solution." Hiccup reassured the group while approaching me.
"Haley, could we talk with you for a moment?"

"Huh, oh, hi Hiccup. Sure, what's up, guys?" I asked as they all stood next to me.

"Well, we were just wondering -"

"Who is it you're in love with!?" Hiccup got interrupted by Ruffnut, with Tuffnut quickly following.

"You can't deny it. We see the look on your face."

I stared at them, confused until it hit me. I've been daydreaming about Viggo for the last few days. That's probably what they're talking about. Fuck. How could I've been so dumb? Letting my true feelings show so easily. Man, the power that Viking has over me is something else.

"Okay, okay. Is that all you wanted to know?" They all nodded in silent anticipation.
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but it's not someone you guys know. A guy I met while traveling, long before I met you guys, sent me a Terror Mail a while back and asked to hang out. We spent some time together recently and I really like him and he feels the same way." I explained. Obviously, it wasn't really true, but it wasn't a complete lie either. Viggo did send me Terror Mail a while back, and we did meet while I was traveling, although I doubt Hiccup and the others will see it that way.

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