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“Everyone ready? A-team?” Hiccup asked as we approached the island. The A-team all yelled in excitement

“Aye!” Stoick roared.

“A-team!” One of the young boys, Gustav, yelled in the background.

“Oh, yes!” Snotlout's dad, Spitelout, added.

“Berserkers?” Hiccup asked, looking on his right to where Heather and Dagur were hovering.

“You know it!” Heather responded.

We flew in close, but as we approached, it became apparent that something was wrong. The entire place was in shambles. There were parts of wood and stone structures all over the place.

“Oh for the love of… Riders, ready! Just like we practiced!” Hiccup instructed, but it seemed unnecessary. There was no one here for us to attack or defend from.

“A Gustav?” Gustav said, confused.

“Oi?” I see where Snotlout gets it from now.

“What’s going on?” Heather asked.

“Ugh! What a rip-off!” Snotlout complained.

“Oh, looks like someone beat us to it.”

“Thanks, Fishlegs, for stating the obvious.” I commented.

“The question is, who? I’ll help the others search the island.” Stoick said and flew off with Heather and Dagur. The auxiliary team flew in the opposite direction while Hiccup and his team stayed here to look for clues.

Hiccup and I found Viggo’s tent. Once we entered, we were disappointed to see it empty. The only thing left intact was a game of Maces and Talons. Upon seeing the game board, Hiccup got filled with rage and flipped the table.

“Oh Thor! What is it going to take to catch this guy?” Hiccup asks, clearly frustrated as he leaves the tent. As he walks outside, one of the viking figures makes a weird sound as it hits the floor. I walked over to investigate and found a hidden trapdoor. River sniffs at the door to check if someone’s inside and starts scratching at the wood, indicating that someone's down there. I opened the hatch and immediately pulled out my Fireworm dagger when I saw none other than Viggo himself, battered and bruised, down in the small hole.

“Hey, guys! Hiccup!” I called out, and Hiccup came running with Astrid close behind. Once they saw him down in the hole, their anger was unmistakable. Despite that, we helped him up from the hole and put him on a chair in the middle of the tent.

“I never imagined that these words would come out of this mouth, but, my dear Hiccup, I am overjoyed to see you.” Viggo said as we sat him down on the chair. River was standing behind him, keeping her stinger close to him at all times.

“What happened here? Viggo, where is the Dragon Eye?” Hiccup interrogated as everyone looked angrily at him. We all turned our heads in surprise when Stoick walked in. He did not look happy to see Viggo.

“You come after my son. You come after my home. Now you get to deal with me!” Stoick was furious. He lightly pushed Hiccup to the side and grabbed Viggo by his throat, strangling him.

“Dad, wait!"Hiccup yelled, trying to stop m his dad from Killing Viggo where he sits.

"Revenge is not a plan. Remember…” I jumped in, trying to save Viggo's life as well. He meant too much for me to let him die and should Stoick not back down, I'd gladly fight then all to defend him.

“That was for you. For me, it goes down a treat.”

“Let Viggo speak.” Hiccup ordered. Stoick unwillingly put Viggo down, the latter immediately coughing for air.

“Thank you. Ryker’s lost all sense of reason. He’s on his own and unfortunately managed to sway the soft minds of the Dragon Hunters. My brother has turned them against their leader.”

“And that, right there, is why I’d rather have a sister any day of the week.” Tuffnut commented.

“Uh-huh.” Ruffnut agreed, clearly happy for her brother’s support.

“Not you, obviously, but a different sis.” He corrected himself, much to Ruffnuts dismay.

“Ryker’s plan, as simple-minded as it is, is to wipe out the Dragon Riders and all of your allies.” Viggo explained.

“Yeah, how is that different from every other bad guy we’ve ever dealt with?” Hiccup retorted.

“The difference, my dear Hiccup, is Project Shell Fire. You remember that, don’t you?” Viggo asked, looking at me. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

“Just remember, if Viggo, you go!” Ruffnut got in his face as she threatened him. Tuffnut followed close behind her.

“That’s right. Today’s your day to burn, and we’re the torches with the fire that burns!”

“I’m sorry. Did I miss something?” Viggo seemed as genuinely confused as the rest of us.

“Guys, guys, maybe not now.” Hiccup pulled Ruff and Tuff away from Viggo.
“Tell me what Project Shell Fire is. We know it’s some sort of weapon. Is it a boat? A dragon?”

“In due time, I will divulge all. Project Shell Fire along with the location of the Dragon Eye. But only if you help me stop my brother and send me on my way.”

“Yak dung.” Snotlout fake coughed.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I had something in my lying throat!” He screamed.

“Snotlout is right, Hiccup. We shouldn’t trust Viggo as far as we can throw him.” Fishlegs agreed.

“Agreed. Trusting me is, shall we say, a stretch. Therefore, as a show of good faith, I will tell you where and when my brother will strike next. Give you time to save some of your allies, which he systematically intends to destroy. The next attack is on the Defenders of the Wing. This will be followed by the Outcasts, Berserkers and Berk itself, in no particular order. While Ryker is no tactical genius, he still manages to hold some things close to the vest.” We all heard what he said, but none of us wanted to believe it. We walked outside to discuss our options. Before closing the tent, Viggo yelled one last thing to Hiccup.
“Time is of the essence, Hiccup. It is the ability to make expeditious decisions that save lives.”

“What do you guys think?” Hiccup asked as he closed the tent.

“I don’t trust him one bit. “ Snotlout announced. To no one's surprise, everyone else agreed.

“He might be untrustworthy, but what if he’s telling the truth? Can we afford to take that chance?” I inquired.

“No, we can’t. A-team, head back to berk. Heather, you and Dagur head to Berserker island. The rest of us will help out Mala.” Hiccup instructed.

“And what about Viggo?” Astrid asked, concerned.

“I’ll take him back to the Edge and put him in one of the stables. Me and River can watch him, and if he tries anything funny, we’ll stun him.” I offered.

“Alright, that’s our plan. Let’s go, Riders!” Hiccup yelled, and we all went to work. The A-team and the Berserkers both flew off in opposite directions. Hiccup and the Riders went to help whoever Mala was, I’m guessing either an Outcast or a Defender of the Wing. Meanwhile, I walked in and grabbed Viggo.

“Where are you taking me?” He asked, uncertainty clear in his voice. My poor man looked so beat up and scared.

“Back to the Edge. Hiccup isn’t taking any chances with you. Dont worry, I've got a plan.” I had River hold him while I carried all three of us back to the Edge.

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