Viggo's Disappearance

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After handing the Dragon Eye over to Viggo, he disappeared. Meanwhile, Hiccup and the other Riders defeated the Shellfire with the help of its natural enemy, the Submaripper. Ryker went down with the ship, just like Viggo wanted. I never told Hiccup how Viggo got the Dragon Eye since Hiccup had it hidden before the attack even started. I explained to everybody that Viggo had taken advantage of my burnt wings and considerable lack of speed and strength to physically overpower me. Without my feathers to help me escape, there was nothing I could do as he knocked me in the ground and disappeared.

Hiccup and the others obviously went searching for him but came back empty-handed. They searched for days, but he never showed up. Viggo was gone for good. At least, that's what they all believed.

As soon as my wings were good again, I went out to find him as well. He was good at staying hidden, but he wasn't impossible to find. I knew exactly who to ask for information about his whereabouts.

I scoured the ocean, looking for any boat down there. It took many moons, but eventually, I found the ship I was looking for. Using the darkness of the night as my cover, I dove down and gently landed on the boat. There was only one man on it. How he ever got anywhere was beyond me, but he got around.

"Well met, Johann." I greeted as I snuck up behind him. He jumped forward and turned around.

"Ah, Miss Haley. So good to see you. What, uhm, what brings you to my boat at this hour? I'm not due to arrive on the Edge for another few months."

"What's wrong, Johann. You seem nervous. It's just little old me. You've got nothing to fear, unless, of course, you're hiding something?" I pulled out my Fireworm dagger as I spoke and played with it as I approached him.

"Hiding? What would I be hiding? Miss Haley, I must say, you frighten me. What is the matter?" He slowly backed away until he ended up against the mast of his ship.

"Oh, Johann... cut the crap! I know, you know where he is. I will find him in the end, question is how much you want it to hurt while I look?" I stuck the hot dagger into the mast near his throat and slowly started cutting closer and close to his skin.

"Miss Haley, I implore you to reconsider your actions. If you tell me who you are looking for, maybe I have something that can help you find them?"

"Oh, I just love watching people squirm in fear. Such an invigorating feeling. Thing is, Johann, I know you're lying."

"What!?" He sounded shocked at my sudden statement.

"You heard me. I know you're lying to everyone. You're not some bafoonish trader who gets intimidated easily. I know who you really are." I leaned in closer with a wide, sadistic grin on my face.
"And I would love to cut you open right here and now and feed your intestines to the fish. You see, it's people like you who piss me off the most, Johann. I have a feeling you could be Hiccup's greatest adversary yet, maybe even greater than Viggo, but you choose to be this sad, pathetic, loser instead."

"Miss Haley, please. That's quite enough!" I was getting under his skin.

"But, tonight's your lucky night. I'm not here for you. Frankly, I don't care much for you, Johann, or your plan. You can deal with Drago or Krogan or whoever all you want. I don't give a yak's ass about any of it. All I care about is where you've hidden him." I pulled the dagger out of the wooden mast, leaving a scorched cut on it.

"For the last time, I don't know who you're talking about. And who I make deals with is none of your business!" It would seem I offended him a bit.

"Viggo! Where is Viggo, you second rate, Hotburple dung!?" I held the glowing hot dagger up against his throat. It wasn't quite close enough to touch him, but he would definitely be able to feel the heat from there.

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