||Chapter 9||

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Dark Desires | Chapter 9

Dark Desires | Chapter 9

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||12:00 PM||

"Emma, get your ass down here!" My moms yelling waking me up. With squinted eyes I slowly start looking around trying to figure out where I am. I see that I'm in my bathroom where I was just before I passed out. I feel as though I still haven't got a moment's rest.

"Coming!" I yell back as I stand up and look in the mirror.

Ugh I passed out from exhaustion.

I squint my eyes and touch my face. It's all crusty from the dried tears. I look down and turn the faucet on, rinsing my face.

"Emma!" I hear my mom yell again. I almost completely forgot that she had called me. I have a fucking death wish!

I open the door and walk downstairs.

"Yes mother?" I ask.

"What on earth have you been doing, and where were you last night!?" She yells as I flinch a bit at the loudness.

"I was at Ashley's house, I'm sorry, she had a sleepover." I explain as she just stares at me with her arms crossed. I could tell she was still drunk like always. Sometimes I wonder if she's ever not been drunk.

"Then why aren't you still there? Is there a guy I should know about?!" She accuses me. I roll my eyes at the thought of me being with a guy. I try to imagine it. Ew.

"No mother. I just started to feel a little sick so I came home early from her house." I try to explain.

"Why do you even talk to those dead beats anymore?" She asks, rolling her eyes.

"They are my friends." I say defensively, but trying not to get in an argument.

"Do you really believe that anyone cares about you?" She says in a demeaning tone. I let that phrase sit in as every memory of me waiting by my phone in my room but never hearing a peep from Ashley comes flooding over me. Three whole months of waiting for Ashley to magically show up at my house, waiting for her to just text me, talk to me. To do anything. And yet, for three month's, she never did anything, she was with Aelin the entire time.

Maybe she is right.

I feel my eyes start to prickle right before my phone vibrates in my hand. I look down at it and see Ashley has texted. Speak of the devil.

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