Chapter 7

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          Today my morning was a little bit different from all the others. I was woken up by Kai yelling on the TV in the living room. When I got downstairs, all messy and annoyed, I found another guy there, sitting beside Kai. To my surprise they didn't notice me just yet, I had some time to stare at the guy and try to figure out who he was. Kai's friend had golden hair which was put into a low bun, he was dressed casually with a green shirt and black pants. I could tell he was around our age, however I couldn't figure who the person was, even his voice was unrecognizable.

"Oh, you're up?" Kai surprised me by turning around. His friend turned around to greet me, before I did.

"Hope we didn't wake you up." Kai's friend flashed his handsome smile. I stared at him for a while, both Kai and him were confused, still I couldn't figure out who the person was, his bright green eyes didn't tell me anything.

"You did." I mumbled and turned around to go to sleep some more.

The worst thing about me waking up early on the weekend is that I can't just simply go back to sleep. My head was filled with questions about the guy in my living room, Kai's friend. Who was he? Why was he here so early? When will he leave? I hope he'll leave soon. I stayed in my bed contemplating whether I should start my day or stay in bed for a few. I decided to start my day, in order to do that I had to go downstairs, where the bathroom was... Where I would probably meet the blondie.

I dressed up first. This time in normal clothes. Before I reached the end of the stairs I heard a weird conversation between my brother and his friend:

"It's weird she doesn't remember you."

Who doesn't remember him? It surely can't be me, I've never seen such a guy, at least I don't remember to.

"Did I change so much?"

"You probably did, I mean look at your hair. Last time you met her, you were a lot younger." Kai finished.

A lot younger?

"You're right, I did change a lot" The guy sighed and continued playing the game.

My thoughts were racing and trying to figure out who that guy was, because who else could they have been speaking about, if not me? I entered the bathroom without even noticing, one minute I heard a strange conversation and the other I was staring at my own reflection. I couldn't hold myself back from touching the areas of my face I didn't like. The questions in my head were changed by the stupid remarks coming from my inner me.

My fingertips softly brushed over my eyes, to be more specific they touched the dark circles under them. I wet my hands and cleaned my face, slowly and steady, feeling every little pimple, every messed up spot. It sometimes made me sick, to feel my flaws directly touching my skin. It was much easier to deal with them when I felt happy. Today was the day when I felt far from being happy about it, the kind of day where you pick on your skin all day, not eat anything and hate yourself for looking a certain way. Younger me would never forgive me for feeling and thinking that way, she would hold my hand and tell me that we grew up to be like one of those princesses from Disney. Younger me was a miracle, when I think of her and remember that she is me, I get very upset. Not because I'm not a child anymore, it's because my thoughts are destroying her too. Remembering that helps me overcome it, overcome the insecurities.

Just when I was done with the observation of my insecurities, I heard a noise on the bathroom door. It wasn't Kai for sure, because he would never knock, perks of being an ill-mannered idiot. I opened the door expecting to see the stranger behind them, but I ended up seeing the face of someone that I used to know, of someone that I used to love. It took me one second to finally figure it all out. His features had changed a lot since we were children, only the handsome smile stayed the same, oh not to talk about the hair... Back in the day he used to lack them. The stranger turned out to be a boy from my childhood, he was the one I grew up with and also the one who was my first crush.

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