Chapter 9

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Last night, at 2 in the morning I received a call. It made me furious that someone took their time to wake up me up and this late too. Although I was mad I already knew who it was. Jean told me to get up and go watch the sunrise with him.

"Are you kidding? It's like 2 a.m.," I yawned.

"3 more hours to go, c'mon it'll be amazing." A short silence followed "I promise."

After a long list of pros I heard from Jean about why I should get up and watch it with him, I got up from bed and was on my way to meet him.

"God, you took forever" He exaggerated, I only took 20 minutes and that was only because I couldn't find a blanket, I imagined the weather at this time of the day was supposed to be chilly. Turned out I was right, I shivered once I stepped my foot outside.

"Well it's 2 a.m. for a reason, I just woke up, you idiot," I could already feel the fatigue settling in like a heavy fog.

"You'll love it" Jean assured me, his enthusiasm doing cartwheels.

"I should be in bed, enjoying sleep, not enduring your nonsense." I hoped my eye-roll made it clear that I had no patience, especially in my current state.

"What did you dream of" he changed the subject once we set foot off of my street.

"Why should I tell you?" I raised my eyebrow smiling at him.

"Oh, I see. You dreamt of me," he teased with a playful grin, his eyes dancing mischievously.

"Sure thing, superstar." I laughed.

After a couple of hours of running wild in a random field and multiple question games, we saw a glimpse of a setting sun. The early morning sky gradually rose as the rays of sunlight began to spread over the horizon. I turned to look at Jean, his eyes reflected the view, he looked happy and I hoped that he was. Not long after that, we went home, to sleep at the very least for a few more hours. I thanked Jean for granting me that promise he made when he said that I'd love the sunset. I adored it and was thankful to see it.


When I had to wake up for school I hated myself and Jean for dragging me along with him. I enjoyed it a lot, but the more time we go outside together the more I feel as if I'm getting attached to him. For the first time, I was afraid but didn't do anything about it. The fact that I was short of sleep and exhausted didn't help much either.

"You look terrible" Jean stopped me in the school hallway, touching my hand to stop me in my tracks.

"Well I did sleep for 2 hours, it's only natural" I rolled my eyes when a big yawn escaped my mouth "If I fall asleep during school today, I'm blaming it all on you" I pointed my finger at him and smiled walking towards my next class. Before I could reach it Jean stopped me again, I turned around annoyed a little this time.

"Here. thought you'll need it today," He handed me a can of cold coffee.

"No way, thank you, Jean," I started a fake worshipping ritual moving my hands up and down, with a can of coffee in my palm.

"It's alright, no need to, it's my fault anyways," Jean said goodbye and then moved on with his day.

"This coffee will save me today," I thought as I sat in the classroom.


"Wanna go somewhere" I pressed send and threw my phone on my bed getting ready without even getting an answer.

Today I decided that this time I'd invite Jean out, I was sure that he'd be down for the idea and I already knew where I would take him. There was a small area which seemed like a park and it was not far from my home, the one wooden bench exposed to the starry night sky was the best and the most magical place I liked.

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