Chapter 13

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"Blue sky.

"Look, that one looks like you" A hand raises to show me the grey cloud surfing in the sky.


Various clouds in different shapes flew around me. They all were white spinning around the grey one, which was me.

"Which one are you?" I asked, not sure of what I was seeing.

"You already know," A voice sweet as a child's answered.

Strangely I couldn't see him or her I could only hear the sounds of the wind, smell the warmth and something familiar...

"Is that you?" My finger pointed to the biggest one there, the one that shone the brightest in my eyes."

"Wake up, it's time,"

June 20th

Jean's Pov:

I think I could love her.

The day has begun fast. Before I could notice I was out of town, grandma driving me to the train station. Then, even sooner I was hugging them goodbye. I didn't want the train to stop but it did, I was back in the place with memories I wish I had forgotten. The town where I used to live, I don't even know why I said yes in the first place. The only reason I could think of was money, not being a burden for my grandparents came into my mind as quickly as I got to this point. Ain't it crazy how things change so fast? You say yes one time and then you have to spend the whole summer being isolated from people you liked. Someone argues in the car and then you wake up in the hospital, knowing both of your parents had died... This is life, unfortunately. Sometimes it's good and well... Sometimes it's shit. Whatever.

"Oh, we missed you so much. Come here" My auntie slammed into me hugging me so tight I could barely breathe. "Have you grown taller?!" Leyla brushed over my head, she could hardly reach me.

"I missed you too," I smiled. "Miles? Got a new haircut?" I noticed him next to his mom. We did our usual handshake and hugged.

"You know it," He flexed his fresh cut, "Wolf cut, the best thing that's happened to me,"

Miles and his mom Leyla are from my mom's side, Leyla is her sister. Miles is my favorite cousin, dumb at times but he's my best buddy. Their family is interesting, dad mostly lives abroad for work, but he's cool and very funny. Leyla is a spitting image of my mom, only difference is her hair, which is brown and cut into a pixie cut. I'm not sure, something men would do with their hair, but it looked great on her. Miles is his dad, matching his personality and face.

"We're going to hit the gym, work and party all summer now, " Miles was enthusiastic today, well he always is.

"I don't think you will. Miles. " Aunt stared at him through the rearview mirror with a look that meant something I didn't know.

"What did he do this time?" I turned to him, giggling.

"I caught him, smoking pot. In the house," He rolled his eyes, "Now I don't have anything against it, but not in the house!" Her eyes pierced Miles and he finally didn't look so smug.

"Wow, do you have some on you right now?" I whispered loud enough for Leyla to hear.

"I took it all, " She smiled and winked. "I'll give it to you later," Leyla was one of those moms who let their kids do what they want as long as it doesn't involve police. I wasn't surprised at all, after all, she was the one buying us alcohol on birthdays. "Not in the house!" She waved her finger.

Miles turned to me saying he already knew the place for it. We both nodded in silent agreement. The first day being here made me ill by even thinking of it and now I felt relieved. I'll drown in a white smoke.

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