Chapter 9

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Dungeon of Ripples – Capture 8

"Good morning."


"Now then, what would you like for breakfast?"

""Furench Toast~""

"Allen and Elena love the French toast, don't you~"

""Yea! It's deーlish~""

We who have rested at the twentieth floor's transfer device had a breakfast, made preparations and descended on the twenty-first floor.

The water depth on the twenty-first floor increased more than before. The water reaches up to my knees.

Since that's the case, it reaches up to Allen's and Elena's waists and advancing like this would be impossible.


Therefore, I summoned Joule.

As he would get wet if I called him normally, I summoned him in a small form so I could hold him, gave him the Mermaid bracelet we found in the treasure chest on the tenth floor and made him transform into his large form.

Because the mermaid bracelet has an automatic size adjustment effect, there weren't any problems even after Joule transformed.

(Allen, Elena, come up~)


Thus, I had Allen and Elena ride on Joule who became big.

Rather, Joule who became able to use telepathy called the two himself. Allen and Elena playfully clung onto Joule's back.

I'm sorry to the other contracted beasts, but I'm summoning only Joule this time.

I have only one spare mermaid bracelet in the first place, so I can't call them.

Well, Bolt who is a bird wouldn't be able to exhibit his full power in this restricted space of dungeon and using lightning in the place full of water would be dangerous. As for Vector, I haven't confirmed the power of his fire magic yet on top of not knowing what he would do, so I judged summoning him as dangerous.

I thought there was no problem in summoning Feat at first as well, but it isn't certain whether one would still get wet from moving around even while having the Flight skill. It would be a bit strange if just Feat was soaked wet......

As I thought, I would like more mermaid bracelets. I wonder if Miko Princess would lend me some mermaid bracelets if I put up a request with her? They don't appear on the markets on the surface that much, but mermaids can apparently easily make them......

Let's ask when we go there to play next time.

"Alright! Then, shall we go?"


(Let's go, let's go!)

When I advance on the twenty-first floor accompanied by Joule with Allen and Elena on his back, a smallish dark crocodilian――a Black Alligator has appeared. It's entirely pitch black, so it doesn't stand out too much, but a dark jewel is embedded on its forehead.

Also, although I said small, it's only slightly smaller than me, so it has quite the size. Because there are crocodilians the size of being able to swallow people, I said smallish in comparison to them.

(A prey has appeared~!)

When Joule who discovered the Black Alligator shouted such, he began running still with Allen and Elena on his back.



Joule approached the Black Alligator and jumped up, squashing it and sinking it under water.

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