Chapter 11

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When we got out of the gate, I could see a group of orcs advancing towards the town and figures of soldiers and adventurers trying to block them. It appears that the strength of their forces is similar, they advance and retreat in turns. Isaac-san said the situation wasn't favorable, but the damages caused by the orcs seems to be low.

While glancing at the situation, I walked with Wald-sama and rest towards the knights――

""Water Jet.""

"―― Hey!!"

Allen and Elena suddenly fired magic towards the orcs.

The released magic flew towards an advancing orc who slipped through the defenses. It was rushing towards our direction and apparently entered the two's firing range. Moreover, the orc got blown backward and stopped moving. It seems they have brought it down properly.

I kept the two in my arms as a precaution of them rushing out, but I couldn't prevent their magic.

The attention completely gathered at us who were the source of the magic.

"Takumi, what are you doing!"

"No, no, that wasn't me!"

Wald-sama who walked in the front turned around in a panic. Rather, why is he getting angry at me?

I know that! Watch the pipsqueaks properly!"

Ahh, so it's that. But you see~

"I'm preventing them from rushing out like this."


When I show Wald-sama how I'm holding Allen and Elena in my arms, he delicately turned away his gaze.

As expected, I can possibly take any further measures, right? As for the magic, isn't sealing their magical power the only thing left? Well, I have no intention of doing that though.

"Allen, Elena. You mustn't fire magic while people are around all of sudden like that. It would be dangerous if the people around got dragged into it, right?"

""Is fi~ne!""

While thinking of cautioning them first, the two proudly puffed out their chest in full confidence...... fine you say, do you mean you won't involve others?

They certainly aimed at an orc that separated from its group, so it's not like they could damage the people in the vicinity. It's not an exaggeration to say that they brought it down safely.

"Still, you mustn't selfishly use magic at the moment."


When I told them that they can't use magic, the two made dissatisfied faces.

"...... When there's a suitable time to use it, I will properly ask you. Okay?"

""...... Yess~.""

They were making too displeased faces, so when I told them that I will ask them when an opportunity arises, they were reluctant, but they agreed. I feel like if I don't proactively search for opportunities, they will later sulk~

"Did you finish persuading them? Rather, the pipsqueaks can use magic, I see. They couldn't use it before, right?"

Wald-sama wondered about the children using magic.

Come to think of it, Allen and Elena learned magic after arriving to Bailey, so it's the first time he saw the children use magic.

"That's right, I taught them in Bailey, so......"

Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an AdventurerWhere stories live. Discover now