Chapter 29

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"Um, you said you were an adventurer?"

"Yes, my name is Takumi. As I said before, we only recently arrived in this town, and today we came to accept a request, but as soon as we stepped inside, he——Kane-kun suddenly came flying at me, so I quickly caught him."

After catching him, the members of the "Black Cat" came running up to me, and then the rude man——Bob also came over and wouldn't stop tangling with those kids, so I rebuked him. I was wondering what to do when Bob started to throw out his identity, but he didn't seem to like my attitude and pulled out his sword. So, I had to use physical means to detain him.

"Fumu. Evan, Scott, how about it?"

"It was pretty much like that."

"Yeah. The only thing I could add is that it wasn't this man, but the children with him who defeated Bob."

The Guild Master looked dumbfounded when the handsome man who was called in as a third party told him that I had left out some details.

"N? Nn?"

However, the Guild Master's dumbfounded expression was short-lived, and let out a shout as he stared fixedly at us.

"Takumi... black-haired man of gentle manners like a wind... with children... you must be 'Setsuna'!"


The Guild Master, who had been pondering out loud, shouted out my nickname. I'm not familiar with it yet, but "Setsuna" is the name I was given in the Capital.

Or rather, the Guild Master did well to derive that from the little information he had~

"Setsuna is that fellow, right? The one who became A-ranker soon after becoming an adventurer, right? I'm sure he was a young adult with two children..."

"Whoah! Seriously! Doesn't he check all the marks!"

The two handsome men——I don't know which one is Evan and which one is Scott, but one spoke about the details of my person calmly, while the other one let out a surprised voice.

Isn't it amazing how much information you can get just by saying a nickname? Is this something you would usually know? However, I don't know anyone else's nickname, though? The only nickname I got to know in the Capital was that of the wolf Beastman Raizel, which is the 'Ash Wolf'. I don't know anyone else by their nickname.

I'm sure that Dragon Breath's Rudolph-san also has a nickname, but... I don't know it~

"And so, are you really Setsuna himself?"

"It's quite difficult to accept being called like that, but... well yes, I have been called like that before."

"Ohh! It's amazing how young you are! I'm a B-ranker Evan, nice to meet you!"

"Ah, yes. I'm Takumi. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance."

The one with the dark blue hair was Evan-san, and the way he smiles seemed very social. So that must mean the one with light brown hair that looked more like a scholar was Scott-san.

"Evan, what are you suddenly introducing yourself for?"

"I mean, GM, this is a good opportunity, so I wanted to get closer."

"Leave that for after we are done."

"Roger that."

"Returning to the story. Setsuna, it was your children who knocked Bob down?"

The Guild Master's attention returned and he resumed the questioning.

"That's correct. I managed to stop them after a single hit, so I don't think that man was seriously hurt."

Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an AdventurerWhere stories live. Discover now