Chapter 23

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After we finished sending the letters, we made our way to the temple.


(Takumi-san! I was waiting for you!)

When I told the children to wait for a moment and called out to Syl as usual, his eager voice reached me.

(You were waiting? Did something urgent happen? Ah, did Water God-sama return, perhaps?)

(No, Windell has not returned ye——ahh!!)

Syl seemed to be very cheerful, so when I asked him what has been on my mind for a while now, he got wonderfully caught off guard.

I mean, I found it very strange that there have been no news from Windell-sama since I met Allen and Elena. Well, his retainers took some action, though~

Even Fire God-sama and Earth God-sama whom I have little relationship with sent me contracted beasts and goods, you know?

Also, there's the conversation about chocolate I had with Syl the last time. That time, my head was full of thoughts about Allen and Elena's birthday, but recalling carefully, Syl told me that he shared it with the Goddess of Creation Marianora-sama, Fire God Salamanteel-sama, and Earth God Nomoodle-sama. I was thinking that Water God-sama didn't like sweet things at first. But, that's something Syl would tell me. That's why I was thinking that Water God-sama might be missing.

And so, I tried poking the subject a bit, but... it does seem that Water God-sama is missing, and they don't seem to know where he disappeared to.

(Ta, Takumi-san!? Yo, you knew!?)

(No, I was just guessing? However, I got my answer thanks to you~)

(Oh my God...)

I can imagine Syl hanging his head down~

(Ah, you told me that you "can't tell" before, will you receive a punishment or something because of this? It's me who played unfair saying this, but would it be better if I explained to someone?)

(No... it's fine. Even though you haven't asked about it before, you would surely find it strange that there has been no contact from Windell for almost a year.)

(Well, yes. And so, do you know where he is?)

(Err... that's...)

Syl was hesitating to speak. Yep, he can't talk about the place.

(H, he went on a j, journey... to broaden his horizons?)

(Why is that a question? It's fine, you don't have to force yourself.)

(... Sorry.)

Even though you can just say that you can't tell me if you can't. Well, speaking of acting like Syl, right!

(Well, let's stop talking about Water God-sama then. So, returning back on the subject, what were you waiting for?)

(Ah, right! I have something to give you, Takumi-san!)

(Something to give me?)

(Yes, it's a bit late, but it's a present for the twins' birthday. Although I say that, I couldn't come up with anything that would make the children happy, so I prepared something that would be helpful to you guys!)


The sound I have barely heard in recent times resounded in my mind, so I opened the item list and checked the contents.

(Oh, aren't these magic potions!)

What Syl sent me were mana potions, healing potions, and detoxifying potions. Moreover, several intermediate and advanced level ones each!

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