Chapter 34

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Dungeon Wonders?

On the morning of the sixth day of diving into the dungeon, we proceeded from the hall with the teleport device, and as soon as we entered the 6th floor, we let out voices of admiration

""This place is also amazing~""

"This floor is also quite a forest~"

To our surprise, the 6th floor was a forest of three colors: yellow, reddish purple and sky blue.

(Too bad. My prediction was wrong!)

(I did not think there would be three colors~ But, it's quite vivid, isn't it~)

(Does this dungeon have different colors on every floor?)

(That way, we won't get bored with surprises every floor!)

(If it's not just one color, then it's even harder to predict!)

Joule and the others were also looking around the forest with admiration.

Or rather, they were still talking about the competition to guess what color the forest would be~


Allen and Elena spotted a Black Bison coming towards us.

As the name suggests, it was a black-haired ox monster, so it's too different from the color of the forest, and thus very noticeable.

(A meat-providing one appeared—!!)

""Will defeat it~""

(Ah, I'm coming, too~!)

Allen, Elena, and Vector charged at the Black Bison.

(They ran off with quite a plunging vigor, didn't they~)

(A vigorous plunge, rather than plunging vigor, no?)

(Oh, they attacked it all at once.)

(It's down!)

The two children and one of animal used their running momentum to deliver a dropkick, killing the black bison with a single blow.


(... This is meat, right?)

"What is it? Did it drop meat?"

It seems that the meat that the Vector craved for was dropped, but... something was wrong with it.

Normally they would pick up the loot and bring it to me right away to show me the loot, but they didn't this time.

"What is it? What's wrong?"

""Pitch black~""

(Niicha~n, is this safe? Is it edible?)


I was astonished when I made my way to Allen, Elena and Vector, who were still staring at the dropped item. It was a lump of black meat.

"That's an incredible color."

(Niichan, what do you think? Is this safe to eat?)

""Can eat?""

"Erm... oh~ it's fine. It's edible. My Appraisal is indicating that there are no problems with it."

The color is unusual, but it's apparently very tasty.

(Really!? Yaay~!)

Vector jumped up and down in joy at my words.

He was very pleased. It's not like he couldn't eat any meat even if there were no meat drops, though~

(I have never seen a meat like this~)

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