Chapter 38

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Pastel Rabbits this time?

(Oniichan, do you want us to collect the Snowbelows around here?)

"No, let's leave Snowbelows to Vector's group. We should look for the Pastel Rabbits. That's our original objective anyways."

(That's true. I'm sure they will bring back a lot.)

So, we decided to look for the Pastel Rabbits as originally planned, but—

""Ah! There!""

"There? A Pastel Rabbit?"


Soon, Allen and Elena seemed to have found a Pastel Rabbit, and dove into the bushes.

(Now then, what color would the Pastel Rabbit be~?)

(Since it's Allen-chan and Elena-chan, wouldn't it be red or blue?)

"Yeah. And I have a feeling they wouldn't bring just one or two, but a whole bunch of them~"

I was with Joule and Feat, predicting the colors and number of Pastel Rabbits that the children would bring back.

""Oniichan, there were many~""

Sure enough, Allen and Elena returned with multiple Pastel Rabbits in their arms.

"Six of them?"

(Erm, the ones Allen is holding are red, blue, and pink.)

(Elena-chan's are purple, yellow, and green.)

I don't know whether silver-colored Pastel Rabbits exist, so I can say that we almost achieved our objective.

"I wish I could say this was enough, but..."

""Is not~!""

"Will look for."

"Silver child, too~"

"I thought so."

I didn't think Allen and Elena would be satisfied with this, so the search for the Pastel Rabbits resumed.

"We will be stopping only for one night, whether we find the silver Pastel Rabbit or not. We are returning to the city tomorrow. Alright?"


For now, I'll just set a firm deadline.

"Then, let's put those kids into a basket."


I took out a large basket from the Infinite Storage and Allen and Elena put the Pastel Rabbits into it with familiar actions.

"It just bugs my mind every time I see them not trying to escape~"

(Yeah, I also find it strange.)

(I would love to hear from them what they judge as dangerous~)

Joule and Feat put their faces close to the basket, but the Pastel Rabbits were taking it easy.

Both of them are fierce beasts in terms of their species, though~ It is a mystery.

"Well, we won't understand the cause even if we think about it, so let's not worry about it and move on to the next thing."

(That's true, let's do that~)

(Allen-chan, Elena-chan, which way do you think we should go next?)

""That way~""

We stopped thinking deeply about it, and moved again in the direction indicated by the children.


Isekai Yururi Kikou ~Raising Children While Being an AdventurerWhere stories live. Discover now