someone like me - Lucas/MC (Mature)

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Taylor: you up?

Lucas: Yes. What's up?

Taylor: can i come over? i'll bring wine

Lucas sighed as he read her message. He should have known. It was the same story every time.

Lucas: Yeah, no problem.

Taylor: great, be there in 20

Forty minutes later, there was a knock on the door and Lucas opened it up to a sheepish-looking Taylor, rocking on her heels with one hand in her back pocket.

She held up a bottle of red wine. "Got your favourite," she said as she pushed past him into his flat, making a beeline towards the kitchen.

He rolled his eyes as he followed her, watching as she took two tall wine glasses out of the cupboard.

"Make yourself at home," he said dryly. The same joke he made almost every time she barged into his flat late at night with a bottle of wine and a sob story. Which was often.

"Shut up." She glared at him, then popped the cork off the bottle and poured. She handed him a glass before breezing past him on her way to the living room and plopping herself down onto her favourite chair.

"So what happened this time?" Lucas asked as he sat down across from her. He swirled the wine and sniffed it, then crinkled his nose. "What is this?"

"That cabernet stuff you like so much."

He gave her a dubious glance before taking a sip, then sputtered. "What the fuck, Taylor?"

She smirked. "Sorry, the store was closed."

"You could've just said you didn't have anything," he grumbled. He stood, took her glass from her, and returned to the kitchen. "You don't have to feel you need to bring wine every time you come over."

"But it's so much more fun this way," she called out with a giggle.

"Did you get a head start?" he called back, looking at the bottle she'd left on the counter. The label said Chateau Bellevue, but the contents were anything but.

"Of course!"

Lucas dumped the wine in the sink and opened his wine cabinet, grabbing another bottle. He poured two fresh glasses and carried them to the living room, handing one to her.

"Should've brought the bottle," Taylor admonished with a wink.

He responded with a look that said he didn't have time for her bullshit, then sat down again, this time giving a satisfied sigh as he tasted the wine.

"Okay, spill."

"I dumped him."

"So I gathered. Why?"

She sighed. "The dude couldn't take a fucking joke."

"Knowing your jokes, I'm not surprised."

Taylor glared at him. "Funny. I just cracked a joke about his golf game and he snapped."

Lucas raised his eyebrows. "Is that it?"


He chuckled. "Poor Rahim. I'm not sure what you saw in him to begin with."

"Um, have you seen his abs? Besides, dude's got money."

"So do I, but I don't see you falling at my feet."

She grimaced. "That would be weird. We're friends."

"I'm hardly offering, Tay. You would drive me crazy."

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