dead men tell no tales - Bobby/MC (Explicit)

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The sound of clashing steel blades rang through the air as two figures danced around each other on the deck of the ship, each of them taking the measure of their opponent. The sky burned with the bright orange glow of the sun sinking down towards the horizon, bringing its heat with it as the air began to cool. The two fighters took no notice as sweat beaded on their brows, threatening to drip into their eyes and give their opponent an advantage.

Lungs heaved with shortness of breath as feet stomped on the deck, each sword pointed at the other as their owners circled each other, staring one other down. The taller one smirked as he spotted a weakness, and he lunged to take advantage before the other could bring their sword up. The smirk was replaced by a look of shock as his opponent ducked and tumbled to the deck, performing a somersault and bouncing up to their feet, pressing the flat of their blade firmly against the man's chest.

He looked down at the blade and a smile spread slowly across his face. He chuckled as he raised his arms in surrender and dropped his sword to the ground.

"Well done," he said, his chest heaving as the sword lowered and its owner grinned back at him. "Ye're gettin' better."

"I know," his opponent said, her voice husky with the panting breath of one who had just exerted herself beyond her limits. She wiped her forehead with her sleeve as she sucked air into her lungs and turned to look out at the glowing sunset. "I have an excellent teacher."

"Aye, dae ye?" He stepped up beside her and slipped his arm around her waist, and she sank into him, resting her head on his shoulder. He breathed in deeply, taking in her womanly scent mixed with the salty sea air. "An' who might he be?"

She giggled. "Goes by the name of Long Bob."

"Och, really? An' be he?"

"Is he what?"

"Long?" He wiggled his eyebrows at her as she lifted her face to look up at him.

The clear sound of her laughter filled the air. "I have none to compare him with, but yes, I believe he is. I certainly have no complaints."

"An' that be th' best ye kin do? 'Nae complaints'? Och, lass. Why, Ah oughta—"

"Ought to what? Hm?" She pressed her hand against his chest, feeling the wild beat of his heart pounding – both from the exercise and from her proximity.

"Ye know, me love," Long Bob lowered his voice to a whisper, brushing his lips against her ear, "sparrin' be th' best form o' foreplay."

"Is it now?" A blush crept up onto her cheeks, and she bit her bottom lip.


He shifted so they were facing each other, and with his hands on her hips, he pulled her into him. She sucked in a breath as she felt his hard length against her, and after staring into his eyes for what felt to him like ages, she gave him a small nod. It was enough for him, and he swiftly scooped her up into his arms and carried her into their cabin.

No sooner had he shut the door behind them than they were all over each other, fingers clutching at fabric as their shirts were lifted over their heads, mouths pressed together and tongues twining. It wasn't long before they fell onto the bed in the corner of the room, skin against skin as they shed the last of their garments.

"Scarlet..." he whispered between kisses before rolling onto his back and pulling her on top of him.

She sat up, her knees pressed into the mattress on either side of his body, looking down at him with the perfect mixture of love and lust in her eyes. His hands travelled up and down her sides before settling on her breasts, and she whimpered softly, throwing her head back as he flicked his thumbs against her nipples. They quickly hardened under his attention, and he suddenly needed more than anything to wrap his lips around them. Propping himself up with one arm while the other wrapped around her waist, he did just that, lightly dragging his teeth over each one in turn while Scarlet dug her fingers into his hair and held him against her.

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