choose me - Roberto/MC (Rated Teen)

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Roberto runs a hand over his weary face as he takes his seat on the bench around the fire pit. The glow of the flickering flames should give him a sense of warmth, but he's been cold ever since a few nights earlier, when he watched his girl walk out of the villa.


God, he was an idiot not to walk out right then and there. But the boys convinced him to give it a day or two first, to make sure his feelings were real. After all, they've only known each other a couple weeks, and they live in different countries, for chrissakes. He would be crazy to chase after her, wouldn't he? Things on the outside aren't the same as things in the villa, or so the boys said. But being without her only confirmed what he's known all along, since the night he first laid eyes on her — she's the one for him.

But then the girls were swept off to Casa Amor, and a new set of girls came in. The guys encouraged him to get to know them, but it didn't feel right. None of it did. The villa lost its lustre when Andi left. Even the neon beanbag chairs and cheeky sayings posted around the place seemed to have dulled overnight. But he could hardly leave the show in the middle of Casa Amor, without saying a proper goodbye to the original girls. They're his friends too, and Bella in particular would never forgive him if he walked before she could give him another sock in the arm or ruffle his hair.

The corners of his lips tip up just a little at the thought of that blue-haired firecracker. The two of them became fast friends, and he can't wait to see her again. There's never been anything romantic between them and never will be, but his Love Island experience wouldn't be the same without her.

He just hopes she found someone in Casa Amor. He's banking on it, actually — because if she couples up, then he'll be single. And if he's single, then... well, maybe, hopefully, he'll be dumped. Either way, he's planning to leave at the first opportunity to go find his girl, but he wants to make sure Bella's taken care of first. He doesn't want to risk leaving her vulnerable.

Finally, the host walks in and does her spiel, and the ceremony begins. Ozzy is the first to rise to his feet, and it comes as no surprise when he says he's sticking with Grace. Roberto shakes his head in annoyance, making a tutting sound. It's no secret that Ozzy had a thing for Andi, and now without her in the picture, he's falling back on Grace, knowing how much the girl is obsessed with him. But as much as Grace has been wilfully blind to all of it, Roberto can't help but think she deserves better. She might be coupled up with him, but she's clearly Ozzy's second choice.

Grace comes in alone and flings herself into his arms, and Roberto rolls his eyes as he pretends to clap along. There's a brief moment when some doofus from Casa Amor storms in and yells at Grace about something or other, but security is quick to drag him back into the villa, leaving Grace flustered and embarrassed and Ozzy confused and not a little like he's been made to look like a mug.

Fuckin' deserves it.

Then Lewie gets up and makes a speech about going with the flow, which causes a few titters and giggles around the fire pit as a blue-eyed blonde steps forward from the row of Casa girls. The two of them are a perfect match, and they'll have perfect blonde, blue-eyed babies.

And then Roberto thinks he's dreaming, because that's Andi walking towards him, on the arm of—wait, no. He gives his head a shake and looks at her again. The woman walking in may share the same face as his girl, but she wears her hair a little longer and wavier, her nose isn't pierced, and her lips have a way of twisting into an ugly smirk that Andi isn't capable of. It's Amelia, her twin.

He lifts a curious eyebrow as he takes in the man she's with, barely stifling the bubble of laughter that almost courses out of him. Of course Amelia would couple up with the carbon copy of Ozzy, although this guy has longer hair, a beard, and a few tattoos peeking out from under his clothing. And judging by the look on Ozzy's face, he's not so happy to see his dear brother. Which tracks, considering he never even told the guys that his brother is actually his twin.

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