wings of fate - Roberto/MC (Rated Teen)

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Portugal, August 2013

A warm breeze floats inland over the sea, causing small swells of briny seawater to wash over the sand. The soft scent of coconut sun cream lingers in the air as children laugh and play, chasing after seagulls that caw and squawk in their search for any trace of the delectable morsels left unattended in the sand.

Ocean waves lick at a young teenage boy's feet as he kneels on the beach, putting the finishing touches on the sandcastle that's destined to be nothing but a smooth expanse of sand by morning. The water is cold against the tips of his toes, but it's a refreshing contrast to the late summer sun that beats down on his back, his skin tanned dark from the days spent outdoors from dawn to dusk.

He sets down the stick he's been using as a carving tool and looks up at the blonde girl laid out on a towel nearby, engrossed in the pages of her book. The corners of his mouth tip up by instinct at the sight of her, the memory of the lemon flavour on her lips still lingering on his own, so vivid he can taste it.


When she doesn't respond, he finds a tiny pebble in the sand and tosses it at her. It bounces off the pages of her book, and she shoots him an annoyed look that only makes him grin.

"Roberto! Stop it!"

Roberto cocks his head towards the ocean. "One last time before you go. You promised."

"I'm not done this chapter."

"You said that ten minutes ago. C'mon, before I throw you over my shoulder."

"You couldn't."

"I so could." He flexes one of his arms, and she rolls her eyes.

"I don't want to get my bikini wet. I have to pack it tonight."

"Leave it outside. It'll dry overnight."

"I'll probably forget to grab it in the morning."

"Well, then," he grins, "I'll find it for you and keep it till next year."

A small smile plays on Melody's lips, and she gives in with a sigh, extracting her bookmark from its temporary spot near the end of the book and sliding it in place to mark her spot. She sits up and tugs her t-shirt over her head, dropping it on her towel as she stands up and looks at him expectantly.


Roberto shoots to his feet in no time, bending at the waist and wrapping his arms around her legs, drawing a squeal from her as he straightens to his full height and hefts her over his shoulder. He runs into the ocean, the water splashing at his feet as Melody beats her fists against his back. He's going to miss this when she's gone — he always does. One of the highlights of his summer every year is the day the pastel blue beach house down the lane becomes occupied again, and she shows up at his door not long afterwards. One of the lowlights is the day she leaves again.

When they tire of the water and drop onto her towel, laughing, the sandcastle has already started washing away. Roberto stretches out to let the sun dry his skin, and a plane overhead catches his eye, carrying its passengers to who knows where.

"I'm gonna fly one of those someday," he says, pointing up at the sky.

"I know," Melody replies, shielding her eyes with her hand to watch it pass over. "And then you can come visit me whenever you want."

Roberto smiles as he turns his head to look at her. He's not just going to visit her — he's going to marry her someday. He's known it since the first day he saw her walking along the shoreline with her nose buried in a book all those years ago. He knows it because he can feel it in his bones, just like he knows he's going to be a pilot one day. There's no doubt in his mind.

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