worth a shot - Lucas/MC (Explicit)

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Josie sat at the firepit, glancing back and forth between the two men standing at either end of the row of boys waiting to be picked. Listing off the pros and cons of each in her mind. Playing 'eenie meenie miney mo.' Wishing she had a coin that she could flip, heads or tails.

Heads, Lucas. Tails, Bobby.

She'd been struggling with making a decision between the two of them all day, ever since they received a text that morning informing them of the pending recoupling.

The last recoupling.

This was it – this was her time to make her final decision between the two boys. And she still had no idea what to do.

Her attraction to Lucas had been instant and mutual, but after he was dumped, her friendship with Bobby had grown into so much more than that. But when Lucas returned, it had thrown everything upside-down, and she no longer knew which way was up.

And now she had to choose between them... but how?

One by one, the other girls stood up and called out the names of their partners, until only Lucas and Bobby remained – each of them standing there with a confident outward countenance, but with just a hint of vulnerability in their eyes.

Josie's phone rang out with its familiar tone, indicating it was her turn. Her turn to make the pivotal decision that would fix the course for all three of them as they finished out their days in the villa.

She wiped her sweaty palms on her dress, took a deep breath, and rose to her feet. She couldn't bear to look at either man, choosing instead to stare into the firepit, hypnotized by the flames.

Her hands were shaking, so she clasped them behind her back and slowly exhaled.

"This is... honestly, one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. There are two guys here who are completely different, but I feel like I have a connection with both. They're both great guys, which makes it really difficult to choose between them..."

She paused, taking a moment to briefly close her eyes and gather her thoughts.

"I want to couple up with this boy because he's thoughtful, kind, and we have great chemistry. I feel like I can be myself around him, and I really do want to see what the future holds for us, both in the villa and outside it. The boy I want to couple up with is..."

She swallowed, inhaled, and looked up into the eyes of the man she wanted by her side, her stomach fluttering as both men gazed nervously back at her.

"... Lucas."

Immediately she felt a twinge of something like regret, and she wondered if she'd made the right choice. But she pushed the thought aside as quickly as it cropped up. It was done – there was no going back now.

There were stifled gasps around the firepit, but Josie steeled herself against them as she watched a broad grin flash across Lucas's face. She couldn't bear to look at Bobby, knowing the disappointment that would be evident in his eyes and the turn of his mouth.

She fixed her eyes instead on the man walking towards her, his suntanned skin gleaming in the light of the fire. She held out her hands towards him with a smile, and as he approached, he took them in his own, bringing them to his lips before dropping them and circling his arms around her. His lips met hers, and if she felt any regrets over her choice, they melted away in the heat of his kiss.

They took their seats on the bench, Lucas pulling her down close beside him, his arm wrapped possessively around her waist.

"You picked me," he whispered, his low voice sending a shiver down Josie's spine.

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