one last good thing - Henrik/MC (Explicit)

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"I'm sorry. You're beyond my ability to heal."

The pale blonde woman, proprietor of Lottie's Potions & Brews, delivered the bad news with a sympathetic look, but it didn't make Persephone feel any better. Her lower lip trembled as she fought off tears. This had been her last resort; she was broke, in pain, and had nowhere left to go.

"But," Lottie continued, tapping a long, skinny finger against her blood-red lips, "I might know someone else who can help."

Persephone sighed. "I... I can't afford anyone else."

"Oh." The woman frowned, her eyebrows furrowing. She really wanted to help the young woman in front of her. She had to – she'd read it in her tea leaves this morning. It was destiny, fate. Her purpose in life. She scrutinized Persephone once more, then waved her hand dismissively. "Don't worry about the cost, sweetie, we'll figure something out. I'll send him a message by carrier pigeon to let him know you're coming, and once you're healed, you'll be able to pay him back."

"Carrier pigeon?"

"Oh, yes. He lives completely off the grid and only comes to town every few weeks for supplies. But if I let him know you're coming, he'll be there. And he'll understand that you can't pay him right away."

A single tear rolled down Persephone's cheek. "But what if it doesn't work?"

"It will," Lottie said emphatically. "I know it will. I can feel it in my bones."

Persephone buried her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking as she finally gave in to her emotions.

"Thank you," she sobbed. "I don't know how to repay you."

"Just... just get better," Lottie replied, placing a comforting hand on Persephone's shoulder. "And pay me a visit afterwards; I'd like to see the results for myself and know I had a part in it."


And so, the next day Persephone found herself standing in front of a derelict cabin in the woods. It hadn't been easy to find, being almost completely covered in moss and vines, but the map Lottie had drawn for her – on yellowed parchment paper, using her own fresh blood as ink – had been immensely helpful.

'Follow the path until you reach the large oak,' Lottie had said when she gave her the map, 'then turn right. Go straight until you find the swamp, turn to the left – left, mind, make sure you don't go right – and walk around the edge of the swamp until you get to the statue of the giant pigeon. Then turn left again, making sure you pass under the two trees that are leaning towards each other. From there, it's just past the rose bush.'

Now she was almost ready to collapse from the pain, but she had just enough energy left to gingerly climb the front steps and knock on the door.

It swung open, revealing a young man with long blonde hair and a friendly smile.

"Hi, I'm Henrik!" he said. "Come in, I've been expecting you."

Instead of stepping through the doorway, Persephone collapsed, falling into Henrik's arms. He had quick reflexes and caught her before she fell to the floor.

"Oh! Oh dear." He scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the cabin, setting her down gently on a sofa. She seemed to have fainted, perhaps too overcome by her injuries to go any further. He took a moment to look her over and liked what he saw. She was attractive, and in any other circumstance he would probably be interested in her; but she was a client, and a very sick one at that, so unfortunately she was off-limits.

He grabbed a bottle of smelling salts and held it under her nose until she jerked awake. Her eyes widened when she saw him, and she immediately began apologizing for her fainting spell.

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