when the dead come knocking - Lucas/Henrik (Mature)

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Sweat trickled down Lucas's forehead as he swung a crowbar into the forehead of one of the zombies bearing in on him. No sooner did it fall before him than another one took its place, its rotted teeth bared in anticipation of a fresh meal. Lucas stepped back, his grip tight on the weapon as he readied it to strike, but there were too many of them. They crowded around him, closing in on every side. There was nowhere left to go.

"Run, Laurel!" he shouted, as loud as possible. There was no hope left for him, but his death wouldn't be in vain – he would give his life to make sure his girlfriend and friends survived. He couldn't let them share his fate.

"I can't leave you!" Laurel yelled back, tears streaking down her face as she watched helplessly. This couldn't be it, could it? Had they really survived this long only for it to all come apart now? The meager food supplies she carried weren't worth the heavy price she was paying.

'Walkers' is what their small group called them. That's what they did – they walked. Aimlessly, at all times of day and night, with nowhere to go and nothing else to do but walk and destroy. Until they caught wind of the living and their rotting corpses became the deadliest of weapons. Even the smallest bite or scratch was enough to infect the living, and once infected, there was no hope left. No medicine to cure this deadliest of diseases.

It was kill or be killed.

"Go!" Lucas yelled again as the crowbar split a walker's brain in two.

"No!" Laurel cried, her eyes desperately searching for a way to save him, even though she knew, deep down, that there was nothing to be done. Her boyfriend was beyond saving.

A pair of strong arms pulled her backwards, and she struggled against them before falling to her knees.


"C'mon, Laurel, we've gotta go. There's too many of them." There was pain in Henrik's voice as he said the words, guiding her to her feet. He shot a look of anguish towards Lucas, his best friend since childhood, watching the valiant effort before him before tearing his eyes away. He couldn't bear to see, and he needed to spare Laurel that fate as well. With Lucas gone, it fell to him to protect her.

Step by step, he led her away from the abandoned town where their friend was fighting his last fight. Sobs racked through her body and her knees buckled, but he pushed them onwards, squeezing back the tears in his own eyes.

"Almost there. Keep going, you can do it."

Another few steps, and the cars were in sight.

Gary pushed himself off the hood of a beat-up sedan, his eyes widening as he took in Laurel's tear-stained cheeks and the pained expression upon Henrik's face.

"Where's Lucas?"

Henrik shook his head.

"Ah, fuck. Shit. I'm sorry."

"Let's just go. "

Henrik helped Laurel into the second car before getting in himself. He turned the ignition and the engine roared to life.

Tires squealed as two cars pulled onto the road, heading for whatever safe place they could find.

If there were any.

Three months later

"Oh, fuck... yeah, just like that, baby," Laurel moaned, her fingers tangled in Henrik's hair as his hips moved against hers. A gasp escaped her as he bit down on her neck and sucked it between his teeth, until she was sure he'd left a mark. "Careful, hun. They'll think I'm bit."

He grunted and hoisted her higher against the trunk of the giant sequoia he had her pinned against, changing the angle of his thrusts and bringing her even closer to the edge. The rough bark dug into her skin through her clothing, heightening the sensations of pleasure she felt as she trembled in Henrik's arms. His grip on her tightened, and he sped up his pace until they were both fully sated.

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