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Chapter 12 - Admitting Defeat ("You can come with
me, or you can take your stuff and go back to your
own place.") (2)

Xu Lisa returned to the Mu's house and was
shocked as soon as she opened the door and walked inside the house.

Inside the entrance area, stacked neatly, there were
a wall of boxes, along with a large suitcase next to
it. The living room, bedrooms, and kitchen were all
cleaned out as though they had been robbed.

Was the house sold to try to keep JJK alive?

Mu Jungkook was standing in the middle of the living room. He was just getting off of a call. He put down his cellphone and gave her a look.

"Are we going out or moving?" Xu Lisa placed the
script and her purse down to one said and walked
over to the guest room that she has been staying at
- sure enough, that was emptied out too and all the
luggage was in the middle of the room.

"Moving," said Mu Jungkook as he rolled up his sleeves. Then, casually, he carried on, "This place has already been sold. We are going to move to a property by the lake. You can come with me, or you can take your stuff and go back to your own place."

Lisa was alerted by the choices laid out in
front of her. This man was fairly manipulative. Take
the Mu Sehun incident the other day as an example
he probably wasn't really giving her a choice. This
was most likely just another test.

Given his temperament. If she chose incorrectly, she
just might get thrown into the trunk again.

Xu Lisa replied calmly, "Our contract is not up yet,
of course I am leaving with you.... providing that you
have a spot for me at the new place, that is."

Having said that she walked immediately inside her
room and pushed her suitcase out to show her

Mu Jungkook looked down at her suitcase. With his
lips curved up, he mocked, "Miss Xu is certainly
demonstrating a strong work ethic for her $50
million dollars."

But, jokes aside, Xu Lisa could tell from his look
that he had already lowered most of his guard.

She quickly added, "As far as the $50 million was
concerned.... Mr. Mu, please feel free to take it out
and spend it as you see fit. You don't need to worry
about paying me."

Mu Jungkook raised his brows a little and was
obviously a little surprised by her statement. He
looked at her for a while before he finally chuckled

"The car is already downstairs. Give me your stuff
and go downstairs first." He took a couple steps
forward and walked over to her boxes. Bending
over, he was about to pick them up for her.

Xu Lisa quickly blocked him from her boxes and
shook her head. "I can carry that myself. No need to trouble you for it."

He stood up and gave her an amused look. "Oh yeah? Then pick one up and show me."

That little bit of weight was nothing to her at all. With
just a little bit of her magic, never mind one box,
she could move all of the boxes in the house in a

She bent over and recited a spell quietly. She got
ready to lift a box to show him.

Low and behold, when she tried to pick the box up, the box was so heavy that she couldn't lift it at all. And the worst part was, her magic wasn't working at all for some reason.

She stopped and looked up at Mu Jungkook.

The original novel only mentioned that he was a
vicious and ruthless villain. It didn't say anything about how he possessed the rare, pure yang property that one normally wouldn't even run into in a 100 years.

The pure-yang property was the worst thing that a
demon could encounter. It'd cause a demon to lose all
their abilities. And, if they try to push and use their
magic, they would be forced back into their original

Xu Lisa wished she could cry. How was she going
to do this without her magic?

Mu Jungkook's lips curved upward. He had interpreted her wish-she-could-cry look as a cry for help. Her brows were lifted, and her pouty lips along with her large and limpid eyes, all of them made her look like she had admitted defeat and was asking him for help.

For some odd reasons, he liked the thought of her
admitting defeat.

He looked down and picked up three boxes at the
same time as though they were weightless. "Go and
open the door."

Xu Lisa's chest tightened. What kind of a person
was this mu Jungkook? He was the biggest villain in the book. The kind that could kill someone in the blink of an eye! And he just rolled up his sleeves and moved her stuff for her?

And three at once.... Without her magic ability, she
couldn't even lift one up.

A little scared still, she walked in front of him to open up the front door.

A little scared still, she walked in front of him to open up the front door.

There was an expensive 7-seat van with the back
door lifted up parked outside. He popped down the
back row of seats with force but carefully placed
her boxes inside.

Xu Lisa wasn't able to help at all and just stood
to one side, worried. He then walked over to the
passenger side, opened up the door, and said to her,
"You can wait for me in the car."

She has no magic power and also couldn't argue with him, so she climbed inside the car obediently and quickly lowered the window, "Be careful, Mr. Mu!"

He stopped in his tracks. Placing one hand on the car, he said, "What's the matter? Are you worried about me? I am bankrupt, not handicapped."

His words were blunt and forceful. She didn't know
what to say to him, so she just changed the subject.

"Thank you.... for transferring over the ownership of Silver Star to me today."

Mu Jungkook's smile went away. He stood up, seemingly a little unhappy.

He turned around to go back to get his own boxes
after he threw down two words brusquely, "That's
not necessary."

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