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Chapter 137 - The Truth (Looking at him from
behind, Xu Lisa really wanted to tell him the truth.)

Xu Lisa was taken a back a little and immediately
figured it out - the man in the laptop was the one
who kidnapped Mu Jungkook for a ransom when Old Mr. Mu was on his death bad.

Back then, he called Mu Jiyong to ask for money and said that he had his son. Mu Jiyong was vacationing at the time with Mu Sehun so his answer was my son was right next to me and don't try to trick me.

Old Mrs. Mu was the one who filled her in on the
details of the event.

Mu Jiyong looked even gloomier than he was before and was as cold as an ice cube. He sat up straight and looked straight into Mu Jungkook's eyes.

It was surreal when two men that looked so similar was sitting across from each other.

Mu Jiyong finally started slowly, "Mu Jungkook, what is your point?"

Mu Jungkook's lips curved and he avoided his question.

Turning over at Wang Lia, he asked, "Ms. Wang
Lia, do you recognize this man?"

Wang Lia didn't even look at the picture when she
waved impatiently. "Who is this? He looked so scary.
Why would I know him? Jungkook, what is point of this?"

"Of course I have a point." Mu Jungkook sneered
and his voice sounded like it was coated with poison.

"I wanted to see how long can Ms. Wang Lia put up
her act"

Wang Lia's face turned color. "Jungkook, whatever
do you mean by that?"

Mu Jungkook rotated the laptop to face himself again and clicked on the right arrow on the keyboard.

Another picture appeared immediately.

There were two persons in this picture and it looked like money was being exchanged. On the left side of the picture was the same man with the identical scar.

The only difference was that his wound seemed
to have just scabbed over and looked even more

On the right-hand side of the photo, though a little
blurry, but one could still tell that it was young Wang

Mu Jungkook narrowed his eyes and asked with
interest, "Miss Wang, didn't you just say that you
don't know this man? Then what was going on in this

When the old lady heard that, she grabbed onto Mu Dara and looked over at the laptop with her. After
they saw the picture, the two of them exchanged a
look and both of their brows were raised up high.

The old lady grabbed onto Wang Lia's wrist and
asked, "Lia, what is going on? How do you know
the kidnapper?"

Mu Dara's face also dropped. "Sister-in-law, I think
you owe us an explanation."

Wang Lia do not dare to fight with the old lady
openly but she has enough courage to take on her
sister-in-law. Hearing that she immediately said
loudly, "What explanation? What is there to explain?
When was this picture from? I don't know this man.
This is a setup!"

"Is Miss Wang familiar with JJK's business?
Miss Wang. You've heard of Project Falcon, right?"
said Mu Jungkook with his arms crossed in front of him and rested his elbows on the dinner table. It was an aggressive pose. "If you have any familiarity of it, then you'd know that JJK had received the permission to all live cameras as well as archived videos. Specifically, this is a screen shot. I can provide you with the exact date and time to help jot your memory."

Xu Lisa saw clearly that Mu Jiyong had clenched
his fists the minute that Mu Jungkook finished talked.

"Jungkook, you were behind that?"

"Dad." This was the first time Mu Jungkook referred to him as "Dad". His voice was sarcastic.

"You have good taste and fell for this intelligent Miss Wang. She used the excuse of you having another son at your age to trick you. You were so happy that you couldn't think of anything else. She took you on a vacation to Maldive purposefully. Your family of three was so cozy that you have even forgotten that Grandpa was on his death bed. How would you possibly remember this son of yours?"

When Mu Jiyong heard that his veins on both sides
of his temples popped up. "Wang Lia, was that

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