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Chapter 15 - What Was That Look? ("So that man was the real reason that she accepted Blossom'? It has nothing to do with the Mu's after all?") (1)

Two days later, Xu Lisa received that notification
from Lin Jennie , her agent, that the timing for "The
Blossoming Us"'s opening ceremony was set and that she needed to join the filming crew on the date of.

"Blossom" was a period show, mainly about students'
life after the 70s. The shooting locations were
mostly inside a classroom or in residential areas, so
they picked a studio that was somewhat close. It was
located in a studio converted from an abandoned
factory for period shows.

The opening ceremony was set to be held at the
conference hall in a hotel near the studio.

The production crew had arranged a photoshoot
for the wardrobe before the first rehearsal. As the female lead, Xu Lisa did not make her entrance
but arrived early at the location for her makeup.

Halfway through her makeup, a young actress
walked inside the dressing room and started greeting the others in a shrewish manner.

The incomer walked all the way to the back until she
was finally standing next to Xu WanZhi. She smiled at
her reflection in the mirror and said, "Hi Lisa, I
am Chang Yuqi. It is nice to meet you."

Hearing that name, Xu Lisa was a bit surprised.

Before she could say anything, the other girl
continued, "new show. Better work hard on your
acting skills. Don't let me outshine you as the second
female lead." Having said that, she gave Xu Lisa a polite smile and said, “I am just kidding. Don't mind

Xu Lisa immediately put her guard on.

Chang Yuqi, the girl who'd be playing the role of
second female lead, was a college classmate of the
male and female lead. She was, in fact, the female
lead's best friend.

Chang Yuqi was a second-tier actress. In the novel,
she was the one who let Qin Suho know about Liang
Yeri's family situation. Which was why Qin Suho
knew to put his schoolwork on pause and return
back to the country to save Liang Yeri. She
was also the one who, during the worst time of the
Liang's, generously used her own royalty earnings to help out Liang Yeri. Chang Yuqi was arguably
the most vital character in pushing forward the
relationship between Liang Yeri and Qin Suho.

Except that, as far as Xu Lisa could remember,
Chang Yuqi had only acted in ancient xianxia movies.

She didn't know why she turned to taking a role in
"Blossom". She quickly had Xiao Rose go check it
out and found out that the original female lead of
"Blossom" went onto accept a role for a different
show after losing the role to herself. That was the
one that the second female lead, Chang Yuqi, was
supposed to be in. Now that her role was taken, she
had come here to take the role of second female

An interesting butterfly effect that sent Liang
Yeri's best friend to her side. She could already
smell gunpowder - she figured that Chang Yuqi
had already found out about the relationship between her and Mu Jungkook by now and couldn't wait to stand up for Liang Yeri.

Luckily, Xu Lisa hadn't had a lot of work to occupy
her time the last few days, and she was able to get
very familiar with the script. That, plus the natural
born talent of the fox clan in playing the roles of
all sorts of beautiful women, she was able to get into
shape and into her role in no time while taking the

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