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It didn't matter if they were minutes, 

and it didn't matter if they were days.

Everything he's dealt,

Just always felt the same.

Day after day, 

He watched the stones turn into sand.

Returning to the start,

From dust back to dust.




"Beyond this mysterious labyrinth, I promise that we will meet again."


"I love you."






     "Just how much do I love you,

In my dreams, I love you this much..."



     "So much that I'd break you with my uncontainable love,

While I hold you so tightly in my arms."




"And yet,

you still left,

and looked the other way.

And I today am stuck in this labyrinth,

Beyond this labyrinth we will meet, I guarantee.

In the fate laid upon us, I will search for a way to move on.

Amidst the efforts, and through my accomplishments, 

I felt nothing but empty, and feelings were void.

The red thread being unraveled upon us,

Becoming our only connection now.

We were all but connected,

Dancing on our own.

With nothing to

hold onto,





"And sometimes, I can see strings attached to the tips of my fingers. The thread tied to my fingers were red like blood, the ones tied on my wrist were the peach coloured, and devastatingly beautiful. When I look in the mirror, I can see magenta strings connected to my neck."

"I can't feel the thread at all. Its warmth, its slightly rough texture, none of it at all."

"But I can see the thread on my fingers connecting to my only lover."

"And every time I followed them, I would find him."

"But every time I got closer, it just felt like he was getting further away."

"And every time I reached out, I would have fallen deeper into this labyrinth."

"And all the times I tried to cut the strings, they wouldn't budge."

"They wouldn't have even moved an inch away from me."

"And every time I looked at things around me,"

"I started to see binary codes under them."

"Even the people around me,"

"Were turning into code."

"He can see through our lies, Drew. You know this can't last any longer. He thinks he's going insane, but he's just starting to break the world."

"Heh, let me tell you a little story that summarises this world then. Let's see if you understand then?"

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