Chapter 5

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[Shock Induced]


"I guess I really did go insane.

I'm still a bit hazy though.. You guys should leave... Wouldn't want to occupy any more of your time, plus I'm pretty tired.."

The blue haired girl looked at him with a gaze of concern, but nods and signals everyone to get going. She waved lightly before walking off, leaving Jake with only him and his thoughts.






"..Who's there?"

He felt eyes on him, but blamed it on paranoia. He decided to fall back asleep, but his eyes wouldn't stay shut. The whiteness of the hospital was dulling his eyes, making him consider that he was finally out of it.

He used the sheets to cover himself, whether it was for comfort, or some sense of safety. He heard distant footsteps again, as he screwed his eyes shut, unprepared for what was happening.

He heard the blinds of his hospital bed being pulled open, and his covers being pulled away from his face.


He almost screamed, but a familiar looking magenta haired boy appeared from behind his hospital bed, smiling deviously at him. There were tubes and bags that were attached to his arms, and he was clearly a patient in the hospital.

He seemed to be waiting on a response, but got impatient. He cracked a grin, a laugh escaping his mouth.

"Heard you were talking about me, what, missed me or something?"

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