Chapter 7

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[Another Chance]

Two voices emerged from seemingly nowhere, echoing softly in Jake and Drew's mind. Jake jumped at the sudden voice, merely on shock about the situation.

"You two were damned if you stayed in that universe. We decided to take the universe and alter it so that you two weren't apart of it."

The voice was familiar, and it sounded like Jake's.

"Did you just say that?"

"You heard that too?! And no, I didn't say anything.."

The voice echoed again, this time sounding more like Drew's voice.

"We wanted to give you another chance at this. Your relationship was damned if we didn't move you here. Take this chance to try again. Gain the club's trust, and put the pieces together."

Jake and Drew both turned to eachother, still confused. They just waited, making sure that they weren't going insane.

"We trust that you'll finally get an ending that you deserve. Jake, Drew, everything that happened up til now brought you here, so let this last for you. You won't be hearing from us, but we wish you luck."

The voices overlapped, echoing eachother like a shadow. The area around them was finally starting to seem like it was moving again.

"..Did that just happen?"

"Yeah...I..guess we should put it behind us then. We have another chance now, so let's not put it to waste."

Before Jake could reply, Drew crouched down to Jake's level, where he lied down in the hospital bed.

He kissed Jake, and it wasn't like fireworks went off, but it was soft and comforting.

It was the sensation that both yearned for when everything was so hectic and insane.

The touch on his lips were light and tender. Relishing in a feeling they couldn't share for so long, something they were so desperate for.


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