Chapter 8

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[Fast Foward]

"Can't believe it took so long for us to finally get out of this hospital."

"You were in a coma, not sure what you expected."

Jake just groaned in response, still annoyed.

"Just so you know, I'm not backing down on that thing I told you, okay?! You're having the best life you'll every have!"

Drew's face flushed a soft pink, surprised that he remembered and was willing to follow through with the promise.

"Yeah right.. What now? Give me the time of my life, right?"

"...I haven't thought that far yet..aha.."

Jake gave a quick peck on Drew's cheek as a small apology. A sheepish smile on his face and a tinted red face from embarrassment, Drew didn't even need to bat an eye at him before silently forgiving him.

"Well, how about we visit the club? We're both on leave for now, but a small visit can't hurt."

"...Sure. Since they don't seem to remember me, I guess we can try to make some amends."

"You're cool with that?! Let's go then!"

A small part of Drew was jealous that Jake was so enthusiastic about visiting the club, but he knew that it was his passion. And now, it was their passion. He smiled at Jake's enthusiasm, finding it  quite cute.

They go towards the direction of Rosemeadow, ready to visit the Music club.

And this time, he'll make sure that he doesn't make a bad impression.

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